The Logical Language Group Online Dictionary Query

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To improve the quality of results, jbovlaste search does not return words with insufficient votes. To qualify to be returned in search results, a proposed lujvo is required to have received a vote in favor in both directions: for instance, in English to Lojban and in Lojban to English.

In addition, due to it being a very technically hard problem, full text searching (that is, searching of definitions rather than just keywords) is not available at this time.

12 definitions found
From Lojban to Easy French :

        Word: dicra [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: interrompre
       rafsi: dir
  Definition: x1 stoppe x2 à cause de la qualité x3
       Notes: x1 : évènement. x2 : objet/évènement/processus

From Lojban to Chinese :

        Word: dicra [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: dir
  Definition: x1(事件)中断/断开/停止x2(事件/进程),由于性质x3
       Notes: 也指:干扰/妨碍(某种意义上来说);参见 zunti, fanza, raktu, denpa.

From Lojban to Hungarian :

        Word: dicra [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: félbeszakít
       rafsi: dir
  Definition: x1 esemény félbeszakítja/megszakítja x2
       tárgyat/eseményt/folyamatot x3 tulajdonság következtében
       Notes: (Lásd még: zunti, fanza, raktu, denpa)

From Lojban to Swedish :

        Word: dicra [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: avbryta
       rafsi: dir
  Definition: x1 (händelse) avbryter/stoppar/stannar x2
       (objekt/händelse/process) till följd av kvalitet x3.
       Notes: Även stör (i viss betydelse).

From Pure-Lojban Dictionary :

        Word: dicra [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: dir
  Definition: x1 jai se jalge lo nu x2 tolcfa kei fai x3
       Notes: jalge; tolcfa; zunti; fanta; denpa

From Lojban to German :

        Word: dicra [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: unterbrechen
       rafsi: dir
  Definition: x1 (Ereignis) unterbricht/stört/stoppt/beendet x2
       (Objekt/Ereignis/Vorgang) aufgrund von Qualität x3

From Lojban to Russian :

        Word: dicra [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: прерывать
       rafsi: dir
  Definition: x1 прерывает/перебивает/(при)останавливает/задерживает x2
       (объект/событие/процесс) в силу свойства x3
       Notes: Также: срывает, нарушает, мешает; существенна результативность,
       в отличие от zunti zunti (мешать [препятствовать]), fanza
       (раздражать [беспокоить]), raktu (беспокоить), denpa
  Place Keywords:
    1. прерывающий
    2. прерываемый процесс

From Lojban to Esperanto :

        Word: dicra [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: interrompi
       rafsi: dir
  Definition: x1 (okazo) interrompas/ĉesigas/haltigas/[disrompas] x2-on
       (objekto/okazo/procedo) pro kvalito x3
       Notes: Ankaŭ: perturbi (unu senco).  Vidu ankaŭ zunti, fanza,
       raktu, denpa.

From Lojban to Japanese :

        Word: dicra [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: dir
  Definition: x1 (事)は x2 (物/事)を x3 (妨害性質)によって阻止/中断/妨害する
       Notes: ・大意: 阻止 ・読み方: ディシラ ・関連語: zunti, fanza, raktu, denpa

From Lojban to Spanish :

        Word: dicra [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: dir
  Definition: x1 (evento) interrumpe/para/detiene x2 (evento) debido a
       cualidad x3
       Notes: Ver también zunti,  fanza,  raktu.

From Lojban to Simple English :

        Word: dicra [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: an interrupter
       rafsi: dir
  Definition: x1 interrupts or disrupts x2 due to quality x3
  Place Keywords:
    1. an interrupter
    2. something interrupted
    3. a reason for interruption

From Lojban to English :

        Word: dicra [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: interrupt in the sense of "to disrupt"
       rafsi: dir
  Definition: x1 (event) interrupts/stops/halts/[disrupts] x2
       (object/event/process) due to quality x3.
       Notes: Also disturbs (one sense). See also zunti, fanza, raktu,

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