The Logical Language Group Online Dictionary Query

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To improve the quality of results, jbovlaste search does not return words with insufficient votes. To qualify to be returned in search results, a proposed lujvo is required to have received a vote in favor in both directions: for instance, in English to Lojban and in Lojban to English.

In addition, due to it being a very technically hard problem, full text searching (that is, searching of definitions rather than just keywords) is not available at this time.

11 definitions found
From Lojban to Easy French :

        Word: marji [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: maj mai
  Definition: x1 est matériel, fait en x2 de la forme x3

From Lojban to Japanese :

        Word: marji [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: maj mai
  Definition: x1 は x2 (成分)・ x3 (形態)の物質;  x1 は物質的/形而下
       Notes: 「mucti」の対義。 ・大意: 物質 ・読み方: マルジ  ・関連語: morna, mucti, nejni,
       tarmi, dacti

From Lojban to Spanish :

        Word: marji [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: material
       rafsi: maj mai
  Definition: x1 es material/materia de tipo/composición x2 en forma x3
       Notes: Ver también nejni,  tarmi.

From Lojban to Russian :

        Word: marji [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: материя (вещество)
       rafsi: maj mai
  Definition: x1 — материя/вещество/материал типа/состава x2 в форме x3
       Notes: Прилагательное: x1 материальный/физический; x2: в состав входит
       x2 (не обязательно полное описание состава) morna (узор),
       mucti (нематериальный), nejni (энергия), tarmi (идея
       [концептуальная форма]), dacti (вещь)
  Place Keywords:
    1. материя (вещество)

From Lojban to Esperanto :

        Word: marji [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: materio
       rafsi: maj mai
  Definition: x1 estas materio/ŝtofo/materialo de tipo/kompozicio enhavanta
       x2-on en formo x3
       Notes: Ankaŭ: (adjektivo:) x1 estas fizika (unu senco)/materiala. 
       Vidu ankaŭ morna, mucti, nejni, tarmi, dacti.

From Lojban to German :

        Word: marji [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: Material
       rafsi: maj mai
  Definition: x1 ist Material/Materie/Stoff/Substanz von Typ/Zusammensetzung
       unter anderem x2 in Form x3

From Lojban to Simple English :

        Word: marji [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: matter
       rafsi: maj mai
  Definition: x1 is material of type x2 in shape x3
  Place Keywords:
    1. matter
    2. a composition of matter
    3. a shape of matter

From Lojban to Hungarian :

        Word: marji [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: anyag
       rafsi: maj mai
  Definition: x1 bizonyos mennyiségű anyag (-ot tartalmaz/-ból készült) x2
       összetevőkkel/típusból, x3 alakban/formában
       Notes: Továbbá: anyagi természetű, fizikai (Lásd még: morna,
       mucti, nejni, tarmi, dacti)

From Pure-Lojban Dictionary :

        Word: marji [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: maj mai
  Definition: x1 gunma x2 noi dacti gi'e nai mucti .i x1 sligu ja litki ja
       gapci x2
       Notes: gunma; dacti; mucti; sligu; litki; gapci

From Lojban to English :

        Word: marji [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: material
  Gloss Word: matter in the sense of "material"
       rafsi: maj mai
  Definition: x1 is material/stuff/matter of type/composition including x2 in
       shape/form x3.
       Notes: Also (adjective:) x1 is physical (one sense)/material.  See
       also morna, mucti, nejni, tarmi, dacti.

From Lojban to Chinese :

        Word: marji [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: maj mai
  Definition: x1是物质/材料,由组分x2构成,具有外形/结构形式x3
       Notes: x1是物质的;参见 morna, mucti, nejni, tarmi, dacti.

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