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From Lojban to German :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: groß in the sense of "Ausmaß" rafsi: bra Definition: x1 ist groß in der Dimension/Eigenschaft x2 (ka) im Vergleich zu Standard/Norm x3. Notes: Siehe auch banli, clani, ganra, condi, plana, cmalu, rotsu, banro, xanto. Place Keywords: 1. Größenausmaß 2. GrößenstandardFrom Lojban to Swedish :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: stor in the sense of "i dimension(/egenskap)" rafsi: bra Definition: x1 är stor i egenskap/dimension x2 (ka) jämfört med kriterium/norm x3 Notes: Se även banli, clani, ganra, condi, plana, cmalu, rotsu, banro, xanto Place Keywords: 1. stor in the sense of "i dimension(/egenskap)" 2. stor i vilken utsträckning 3. stor kriterium/normFrom Lojban to Dutch :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: Groot in the sense of "afmeting" rafsi: bra Definition: x1 is groot in eigenschap/afmeting x2 vergeleken met standaard/norm x3 Notes: Zie ook banli, clani, ganra, condi, plana, cmalu, rotsu, banro, xanto. Place Keywords: 2. Groot eigenschap 3. Groot standaardFrom Lojban to Spanish :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: grande rafsi: bra Definition: x1 es grande/amplio en propiedad/dimensión x2 comparado con estándar/norma x3 Notes: Ver también cmalu.From Lojban to Esperanto :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: granda rafsi: bra Definition: x1 estas granda laŭ eco/dimensio(j) x2 (ka) kompare kun normo x3 Notes: Vidu ankaŭ banli, clani, ganra, condi, plana, cmalu, rotsu, banro, xanto.From Lojban to Russian :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: большой rafsi: bra Definition: x1 — большой/крупный по свойству/измерени(ю/ям) x2 (ka) по сравнению со стандартом/нормой x3 Notes: banli (великий), clani (длинный), ganra (широкий), condi (глубокий), plana (пухлый), cmalu (маленький), rotsu (толстый), banro (расти), xanto (слон) Place Keywords: 1. большойFrom Pure-Lojban Dictionary :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu rafsi: bra Definition: x1 zmadu lo cnano be x2 bei x3 be'o x2 noi cimde x1From Lojban to French :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: gros Gloss Word: large rafsi: bra Definition: x1 est gros/large dans la dimension/propriété x2 (ka) comparé au standard/la norme x3. Notes: Voir également banli, clani, ganra, condi, plana, cmalu, rotsu, banro, xanto.From Lojban to Norwegian :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: stor in the sense of "storhet" rafsi: bra Definition: x1 er stor i egenskap/dimensjon(er) x2 (ka) sammenlignet med standard/norm x3 Notes: Se også banli, clani, ganra, condi, plana, cmalu, rotsu, banro, xanto. Place Keywords: 3. standardFrom Lojban to Easy French :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: grand rafsi: bra Definition: x1 est grand en x2 selon les standards x3 Notes: x2 : dimension/propriétéFrom Lojban to Hungarian :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: nagy rafsi: bra Definition: x1 nagy méretű x2 méretében x3-hoz képest/x3 mérce szerint Notes: (Lásd még: banli, clani, ganra, condi, plana, cmalu, rotsu, banro, xanto)From Lojban to Japanese :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu rafsi: bra Definition: x1 は x2 (性質)に関して、 x3 (比較対象)の中で大きい Notes: x3は群れでも集合でもよい。;「lo'i ratcu cu barda/鼠の集合は大きい、鼠はたくさんいる」「le barda naje cmalu ba'ambyta'e cu se dunda pe'u/大きいつづらではなく、小さいつづらをください」 ・大意: 大きい ・読み方: バルダ ・語呂合わせ: <バー大規模> ・関連語: banli, clani, ganra, condi, plana, cmalu, rotsu, banro, xantoFrom Lojban to English :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: big Gloss Word: large rafsi: bra Definition: x1 is big/large in property/dimension(s) x2 (ka) as compared with standard/norm x3. Notes: See also banli, clani, ganra, condi, plana, cmalu, rotsu, banro, xanto.From Lojban to Polish :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: wielkie Gloss Word: duże rafsi: bra Definition: x1 jest wielkie/duże w cechach/wymiarach x2 (ka) według normy x3. Notes: Cf. banli, clani, ganra, condi, plana, cmalu, rotsu, banro, xanto.From Lojban to Chinese :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: 大 in the sense of "与“小”相对" rafsi: bra Definition: x1 是大的,从 x2 的角度来说,与 x3 相比。 Notes: 参见: banli, clani, ganra, condi, plana, cmalu, rotsu, banro, xanto.From Lojban to Simple English :
Word: barda [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: a large rafsi: bra Definition: x1 is big in property or dimension x2 as compared to x3 Place Keywords: 1. a large 2. a property of largeness 3. a standard of largeness