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Discussion of "pincyvi'i"
Comment #1:
Curtis W Franks (Sat Jan 25 05:42:54 2014)
This is more along the lines of micturition, correct? (That is, the urine is actually exiting the body?)
I hear that in medical contexts, "urination" refers to the process of producing urine within the body (which is still a type of excretion, I guess) and "micturition" refers to the typical process of that urine exiting the body. These definitions are rather awkward since I can say that I am currently urinating while sitting on my couch, because I drank some water a bit ago, but I am (luckily/thankfully) not micturating here.
Comment #2:
Re: Mictua
gleki (Sat Jan 25 06:11:24 2014)
krtisfranks wrote: > This is more along the lines of micturition, correct? (That is, the urine > is actually exiting the body?) > > I hear that in medical contexts, "urination" refers to the process of > producing urine It'd be cupra lo pinci
> within the body (which is still a type of excretion, I > guess) and "micturition" refers to the typical process of that urine > exiting the body. lo pinci cu cliva lo xadni vau u'i
> These definitions are rather awkward since I can say > that I am currently urinating while sitting on my couch, because I drank > some water a bit ago, but I am (luckily/thankfully) not micturating here.
Happy urinating! xo'ona'i
Comment #3:
Re: Mictua
Curtis W Franks (Sat Jan 25 06:32:05 2014)
gleki wrote: > It'd be cupra lo pinci > > lo pinci cu cliva lo xadni vau u'i >
Got it. Thanks for clarifying.
> > Happy urinating! xo'ona'i
Hahaha, thanks! Hopefully, you too!