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Discussion of "du'inxo"
[parent] [root]
Comment #1: Can you elaborate?
Curtis W Franks (Mon Oct 26 22:02:56 2020)
Comment #2: Re: Can you elaborate?
la du kooi noi zo zei zei zei zei fao ku ne vou biu pei (Tue Oct 27 05:03:24 2020)

My goal was to add separate words for the co'a ckaji sense and the
concrete sense of binxo. I'm not really sure how to formalize the
concrete sense (i.e. what du'inxo is meant to mean); maybe someone who
does use binxo in this sense can elaborate more.

Comment #3: Re: Can you elaborate?
Ilmen (Thu Nov 26 20:04:13 2020)

zozeizeizeizeifaho wrote:
> My goal was to add separate words for the co'a ckaji sense and the
> concrete sense of binxo. I'm not really sure how to formalize the
> concrete sense (i.e. what du'inxo is meant to mean); maybe someone who
> does use binxo in this sense can elaborate more.

jaxycfa (jai cfari) is another possible word form for co'a ckaji.

As for the meaning of non-ka binxo, I see it as indicating that binxo-2
is a temporal part of binxo-1, or maybe, depending on the exact semantics
assigned to it, that binxo-1 ceases to exist whilst its components become
the components of binxo-2 as this latter starts to exist.

Comment #4: Re: Can you elaborate?
Ilmen (Fri Nov 27 09:09:56 2020)

Ilmen wrote:
> jaxycfa (jai cfari) is another possible word form for co'a ckaji.

With regard to ka-binxo, I now remember there's also kaicfa.

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