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Discussion of "jifmlu"
Comment #1:
Why this definition is better
Wuzzy (Tue Dec 9 18:10:33 2014)
This definition is better IMO because it better reflects simlu. Definition #63911 however just drops sumti of the tertau for no apparent reason. This definition has, unlike #63911, already been used to create another lujvo: jifmluske for pseudo-science.
Comment #2:
Re: Why this definition is better
Ilmen (Tue Dec 9 18:24:46 2014)
Wuzzy wrote: > This definition is better IMO because it better reflects simlu. > Definition #63911 however just drops sumti of the tertau for no apparent > reason. > This definition has, unlike #63911, already been used to create another > lujvo: jifmluske for pseudo-science.
All the sumti slots of jitfa are now present (I forgot the x2 of jitfa on my first edition).
The definition #57312 isn't jvajvo (if it were, simlu-2 would be filled with «lo ka ce'u jitfa...», and thus jifmlu-1 would be a du'u sumti (as in the definition #63911). However that's not what I'm most concerned about: the biggest problem with #57312 is that it doesn't parallel jetmlu, which has 91 usage hits in la korpora zei sisku, neither faumlu (49 usage hits). As for jifmlu, it currently has no usage in the Lojban corpus.
Comment #3:
Re: Why this definition is better
Ilmen (Tue Dec 9 18:27:23 2014)
Ilmen wrote: > However that's not what I'm most concerned about: the biggest problem with > #57312 is that it doesn't parallel jetmlu, which has 91 usage hits in la > korpora zei sisku, neither faumlu (49 usage hits). As for jifmlu, it > currently has no usage in the Lojban corpus.
• http://korp.alexburka.com/#?cqp=[]&stats_reduce=word&page=0&search=word|je tmlu • http://korp.alexburka.com/#?cqp=[]&stats_reduce=word&page=0&search=word|fa umlu
Comment #4:
Re: Why this definition is better
Wuzzy (Tue Dec 9 19:04:26 2014)
Sigh. OK. I changed my mind.
There goes the definition for “pseudo”. Probably I have to find a different word for this.
And I am not sure what to do with jifmluske then.
Comment #5:
Re: Why this definition is better
Ilmen (Tue Dec 9 20:21:01 2014)
Wuzzy wrote: > Sigh. OK. I changed my mind. > > There goes the definition for “pseudo”. Probably I have to find a > different word for this. > > And I am not sure what to do with jifmluske then.
Hmm as for the concept of "pseudo-", jvojva rules would probably gives something like "mlujvenarkai" (X seems to have property Y to Z but has not property Y), although that's a little long. "skemlu" would be "X seems to be a science....", without saying whether it actually is a science.
Maybe "jifske" would make it, as "science of falseness" doesn't seem a very useful interpretation for this word. But it could be a little weird if "jetske" gets used for "epistemology" or something. "nalske" is also an option.
Comment #6:
Re: Why this definition is better
Alex Burka (Wed Dec 10 05:32:54 2014)
Ilmen wrote: > Wuzzy wrote: > > Sigh. OK. I changed my mind. > > > > There goes the definition for “pseudo”. Probably I have to find a > > different word for this. > > > > And I am not sure what to do with jifmluske then. > > Hmm as for the concept of "pseudo-", jvojva rules would probably gives > something like "mlujvenarkai" (X seems to have property Y to Z but has not > property Y), although that's a little long. > "skemlu" would be "X seems to be a science....", without saying whether it > actually is a science. > > Maybe "jifske" would make it, as "science of falseness" doesn't seem a > very useful interpretation for this word. > But it could be a little weird if "jetske" gets used for "epistemology" or > something. > "nalske" is also an option.
.i'e I like "nalske" or "norske".