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Discussion of "ronte"
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Comment #1: notes are for print
gleki (Mon Apr 10 17:33:29 2023)

notice that notes field will go to pdf exports, vlasisku, sutysisku etc.
So better resolve the conflict in discussions or (as in your case) between
yourself :)

Also ronti/ronte/etc. all has experimental gismu which may avoid
last-vowel restriction.

Comment #2: Re: notes are for print
Curtis W Franks (Tue Apr 11 03:25:46 2023)

gleki wrote:
> notice that notes field will go to pdf exports, vlasisku, sutysisku etc.
> So better resolve the conflict in discussions or (as in your case)
> yourself :)
> Also ronti/ronte/etc. all has experimental gismu which may avoid
> last-vowel restriction.

I think that it is good to point out conflicts in the notes. This is not
necessary for the official gismu list, but it seems like good practice for
experimental words. Further debate (and maybe even some of the points
which I raised in this note) probably should be relegated to commentary
here though, agreed.

Addressing your latter point: Yes, it is not yet technically a requirement
for experimental gismu to avoid conflicts, but I think that we should try
to maintain that principle, at least for as long as we can. It is a
well-justified policy, too.

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jbovlaste is an official project of the logical language group, and is now headed by Robin Lee Powell.
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