The Logical Language Group Online Dictionary Query

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To improve the quality of results, jbovlaste search does not return words with insufficient votes. To qualify to be returned in search results, a proposed lujvo is required to have received a vote in favor in both directions: for instance, in English to Lojban and in Lojban to English.

In addition, due to it being a very technically hard problem, full text searching (that is, searching of definitions rather than just keywords) is not available at this time.

1 definition found
From Lojban to English :

        Word: tcuskuue [jbovlaste]
        Type: fu'ivla
  Gloss Word: continued expression
  Gloss Word: continue expressing
  Gloss Word: express in the sense of "for dialogue in books"
  Gloss Word: resume expressing
  Gloss Word: resumptive expression
  Gloss Word: say in the sense of "for dialogue in books"
  Definition: x1 (lu; quote) is said/expressed by x2, followed by expression
       x3 (lu; quote), via expressive medium x4, and then continuing
       on/proceeding/serially resuming to express/say x5 (lu; quote),
       and then x6 (lu; quote), and then x7 (lu; quote), ...
       (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
       Notes: x1 and x3 form a continuous or resumptive quotation with no
       gap, namely: $x_1 + x_3$ (where '+' denotes concatenation);
       likewise, in general: $x_1 + x_3 + x_5 + x_6 + x_7 + ...$ (for
       as many terms as have been submitted). This word is useful for
       dialogue/monologue in books; for example: ""Hi", said Bill,
       "how are you?"" translates to "lu coi li'u tcuskuue la .bil. lu
       pei li'u". Notice that x2 can come before or after the selbri
       (in the bridi-head or bridi-tail, resp.), corresponding to "x2
       said" or "said x2" resp. It is typical to have x3 complete the
       thought of x1; in verbal form, there may be a natural or
       temporal break between x1 and x3 between x3 and x5, between x5
       and x6, vel sim. No audience is necessary. Modify this selbri
       via seltau in order to change how the expression is presented
       (examples: exclamation, question, imploration, dubious
       assertion, etc.). See: "cusku", ".alcu", "tcasnuue"
       (which differs from this word in that the expressions
       referenced thereby may not be quotes (although see the rest of
       this note) and may be replies between parties rather than
       continuations of a single utterance/expression/line of
       dialogue, unlike those referenced hereby; the open-ended terbri
       structure of this word is conceptually very similar in
       grammatical form, but not semantic import or intent, to that of
       that word). This word may also be used like the
       stream-controlling operator '>>' in C++ or the terms of a
       'print()' call/statement (delimited by commas) in Python. It
       may also be used for internal monologue for protracted or
       interrupted musings. "sedu'u" expressions should be avoided
       as submissions to the various quotation sumti slots, but may be
       taken by some speakers as grammatically acceptable.

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