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Discussion of "plinycma"
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Comment #2: Re: Seems backwards to me
Andrew Piekarski (Sat Feb 14 17:11:19 2009)

Eimi wrote:
> It seems like this should probably be cmaplini, since the main place
> structure is that of plini instead of cmalu.

Logically, there is no difference between a 'planet-type small-thing' and
a 'small-type planet'. However, 'cmalu loka plini etc' (the expansion of
'plinycma') allows us to develop a reasonable place structure. How would
you expand 'cmaplini' and come up with a place structure?

Comment #3: Re: Seems backwards to me
Adam Lopresto (Mon Feb 16 18:43:08 2009)

totus wrote:
> Eimi wrote:
> > It seems like this should probably be cmaplini, since the main place
> > structure is that of plini instead of cmalu.
> Logically, there is no difference between a 'planet-type small-thing'
> a 'small-type planet'.

Of course there is. One is a type of planet, the other is a type of
small-thing. In tanru, at least, the tertau is actually asserted, and the
seltau is just informational. In lujvo there's more flexibility, but that
isn't license to go crazy.

> However, 'cmalu loka plini etc' (the expansion of
> 'plinycma') allows us to develop a reasonable place structure.
How would
> you expand 'cmaplini' and come up with a place structure?

It's small in the property of being a planet? That's...very odd. And one
would expect the place structure then to start with cmalu3, which you've
omitted entirely. I would instead expect something like x1 plini x2 x3
x4 gi'e cmalu x5 x6
as the expansion.

Comment #4: Re: Seems backwards to me
Andrew Piekarski (Mon Feb 16 20:39:26 2009)

Eimi wrote:
> totus wrote:
> > Eimi wrote:
> > > It seems like this should probably be cmaplini, since the main
> > > structure is that of plini instead of cmalu.
> >
> > Logically, there is no difference between a 'planet-type small-thing'
> and
> > a 'small-type planet'.
> Of course there is. One is a type of planet, the other is a type of
> small-thing. In tanru, at least, the tertau is actually asserted, and
> seltau is just informational. In lujvo there's more flexibility, but
> isn't license to go crazy.
> > However, 'cmalu loka plini etc' (the expansion of
> > 'plinycma') allows us to develop a reasonable place structure.
> How would
> > you expand 'cmaplini' and come up with a place structure?
> It's small in the property of being a planet? That's...very odd. And
> would expect the place structure then to start with cmalu3, which you've
> omitted entirely. I would instead expect something like x1 plini x2 x3
> x4 gi'e cmalu x5 x6
as the expansion.

But an asteroid may or may not be small (depending what you are comparing
it with) and certainly is not a planet. So I don't thing the gi'e
approach will do. ...cmalu loka plini... still seems the better

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