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Discussion of "mugle"

Comment #1: .oi
gleki (Tue Jan 14 10:40:45 2014)

definitely a slang.

After al we have makfa with te makfa fi no da as the sorcerer doing
zero magic. or makfa tolcertu etc.

Comment #2: Re: .oi
Curtis W Franks (Wed Jan 15 05:17:34 2014)

gleki wrote:
> definitely a slang.
> After al we have makfa with te makfa fi no da as the sorcerer doing
> zero magic. or makfa tolcertu etc.

I marked it as "jargon".

"Sorcerer" and "lacking magical ability" do not quite capture all of the
nuances of the word. The word more generally means "an outsider"/"someone
who is not in the know" and implies: 1) such a person, 2) something that
is in-the-know (a culture, a group, an individual, or information), and 3)
a culture to which the first person belongs or which they reflect in their
Building up such a concept is rather difficult using only pre-existing
words and constructs.

Lots of gismu overlap semantically somewhat, by the way.

Comment #3: Hyperlinks to other words in JVS 2.0
gleki (Wed Dec 17 17:49:28 2014)

A question. If e.g. mogle is downvoted mugle still contains a link to

This isn't nice in the pdf output since mogle won't show up there.

Thoughts (e.g. for JVS 2.0) ?

Comment #4: Re: Hyperlinks to other words in JVS 2.0
Curtis W Franks (Fri Dec 19 07:47:08 2014)

gleki wrote:
> A question. If e.g. mogle is downvoted mugle still contains a link
> it.
> This isn't nice in the pdf output since mogle won't show up there.
> Thoughts (e.g. for JVS 2.0) ?

We can just remove the link while copying all of the relevant information
over (That would be the simplest solution in this case). But the problem
is larger than just this pair of words. I have no advice for the general
case, I am sorry. :/

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