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User data for arj. You can also see a list of all jbovlaste users.

Internal User ID8
Real nameArnt Richard Johansen
Email addressarj[this would be an amphora symbol but we don't like spambots]nvg.org
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Personal Wikitext:

Mission drive within Jbovlaste

  1. Save old words and word lists from being forgotten. Of course, this only applies to good words.
  2. Make Jbovlaste a generally useful bi-lingual dictionary for English speakers.
  3. Not add words invented by myself if I can avoid it.

Todo list

  • Add lots of "see also" links to own definitions. The last word I fixed was depkumfa. Don't forget that definitions are ordered from oldest to latest, the same order that I'm revisiting them.
  • Work through lujvo, initial letter by initial letter.
    • Letters completed: none
    • Currently working on: m
    • Last word checked: mudypexsilka

Help requested

I skipped these lujvo while working through noralujv, for no good reason. Please write a definition if you can.


Pending BPFK resolution on "mabla"

Currently, jbovlaste will accept data for 70 languages.
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  recent changes jbovlaste main
This is jbovlaste, the lojban dictionary system.
The main code was last changed on Wed 07 Oct 2020 05:54:55 PM PDT.
All content is public domain. By submitting content, you agree to place it in the public domain to the fullest extent allowed by local law.
jbovlaste is an official project of the logical language group, and is now headed by Robin Lee Powell.
E-mail him if you have any questions.
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