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From Lojban to Russian :
Word: palma [jbovlaste] Type: experimental gismu (YOU RISK BEING MISUNDERSTOOD IF YOU USE THIS WORD) Gloss Word: пальма in the sense of "дерево" Definition: x1 это пальма/пальмовое дерево (Palmae/Arecaceae) вида/разновидности x2 Notes: См. также tricnrarekake, tricu, kokso, grasu, nargeFrom Lojban to Chinese :
Word: palma [jbovlaste] Type: experimental gismu (YOU RISK BEING MISUNDERSTOOD IF YOU USE THIS WORD) Definition: x1是棕榈树,属于品种x2 Notes: 参见 tricnrarekake, tricu, kokso, grasu, nargeFrom Lojban to English :
Word: palma [jbovlaste] Type: experimental gismu (YOU RISK BEING MISUNDERSTOOD IF YOU USE THIS WORD) Gloss Word: palm in the sense of "tree" Definition: x1 is a palm tree (Palmae/Arecaceae) of species x2 Notes: Cf. tricnrarekake, tricu, kokso, grasu, nargeFrom Lojban to Simple English :
Word: palma [jbovlaste] Type: experimental gismu (YOU RISK BEING MISUNDERSTOOD IF YOU USE THIS WORD) Gloss Word: palm tree Definition: x1 is a palm tree of species x2 Place Keywords: 1. palm tree