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From Pure-Lojban Dictionary :
Word: brije'u [jbovlaste] Type: lujvo Definition: fatci fa lo bridi be x1 bei x2 Notes: selsmudu'i zo zilbri gi'e se srana zo bridiFrom Lojban to English :
Word: brije'u [jbovlaste] Type: lujvo Definition: x1 (predicate) is true when applied to argument list x2 (sequence) Notes: Synonymous to zilbri. The x1 slot can be filled with a property/relation (ka) whose number of free slots match the length of the sequence x2. It can also be filled with a bridi abstraction (du'u) —nullary predicate—, in which case the x2 should be the empty set or possibly zi'o. See also bridi.