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I've put up a little demonstration of these features.

General Wiki Formatting Issues

Many of these, such as =, #, *, !, ;, | and ---, must start at the beginning of the line.

Renders string italicized.
Renders string bold faced.
Renders string bold faced and italicized.
Renders the string without changing the amount of spacing.
* item, ** item, ...
Itemizes the item to one level. Additinial * characters increase the level of itemization.
# item, ## item, ...
Enumerates the item to one level. Additinial # characters increase the level of enumeration.
--- (or more)
Forces a horizontal rule.
!heading, !!heading, ...
Turns heading into a heading of the given level. A single ! is the biggest, six ! characters is the smallest.
;definition term:definition description
Creates a definitional list. Note the colon between the first and second parts.
| a | b | c ...
Creates a table with columns seperated by | characters.

Inline Mathematics And Subscripts

Subscripts and other inline math are handled in the fashion described in the definitions help file. Look in the "Definition Special Formatting" section.

Internal Word Link Format ({} links)

Makes a link to the best guess listing for the valsi in question in the current language.
Makes a link to the general listing for the valsi in question.
Presents the best guess definition line in the current language.
Makes a link to the best guess gloss word listing for the valsi in question in the current language.
Makes a set of links to the best guess listings for the place keywords for the valsi in question in the current language.
{valsi:n}, where n is a single-digit number
Makes a link to the best guess listing for the place keyword number n for the valsi in question in the current language.
Presents various forms of information as for the options above, but in the given language.
Makes a link to the best guess listing for the valsi in question in the current language, but presents alt as the link name instead of valsi.
Makes a link to the best guess listing for the valsi in question for the given language, but presents alt as the link name instead of valsi.
Makes a link to the best guess listing for the valsi in question for the given language.
Makes a link to the general listing for the natural language word given in the language of the current page.
Makes a link to the general listing for the natural language word given in the language given.
Makes a link to the best guess listing for the natural language word and meaning given in the language of the current page. If the meaning is not present (i.e. {word!!} ), finds the word with the 'default' meaning, if one exists.
Makes a link to the best guess listing for the natural language word and meaning given in the language given. If the meaning is not present (i.e. {word!!} ), finds the word with the 'default' meaning, if one exists.

Wiki Link Format ([] links)

Makes a link to the wiki page name given.
Makes a link to the wiki page name given, but names the link alt.
Makes a link to the wiki page name given in the language given.
Makes a link to the wiki page name given in the language given, but names the link alt.
Alias for [page|alt|lang].
Makes a link to the url given.
Makes a link to the url given, but names the link alt.
Currently, jbovlaste will accept data for 70 languages.
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  recent changes jbovlaste main
This is jbovlaste, the lojban dictionary system.
The main code was last changed on Wed 07 Oct 2020 05:54:55 PM PDT.
All content is public domain. By submitting content, you agree to place it in the public domain to the fullest extent allowed by local law.
jbovlaste is an official project of the logical language group, and is now headed by Robin Lee Powell.
E-mail him if you have any questions.
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