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Valsi Definition VotingVoting on valsi definitions is used to express a preference as to which competing definition for a word is the 'best'. You can pick one per language. It will be used it the generation of the exported 'final' dictionaries, to decide which definition to provide. Natural Language Word VotingIt is also important to declare, for each sense of a natural language word, which valsi definition that uses that word is most accurate. Therefore, you can vote on this subject. You actually vote on the exact place which the natlang word corresponds to. The places available (including the gloss word 'place') are all those places in the definition that use the natlang word in question as the gloss word. This allows you, for example, to vote that 'traveller' is a good gloss for place one of klama, as opposed to the gloss word, if there was a definition that used 'traveller' as the natlang word for both those cases. You are only allowed one vote per natlang word per language, and any previous vote will be silently deleted when you vote. Note that you cannot vote on a natural language word until a definition is entered that points to it. |
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This is jbovlaste, the lojban dictionary system. The main code was last changed on Wed 07 Oct 2020 05:54:55 PM PDT. All content is public domain. By submitting content, you agree to place it in the public domain to the fullest extent allowed by local law. jbovlaste is an official project of the logical language group, and is now headed by Robin Lee Powell. E-mail him if you have any questions. |
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