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These instructions are important! Examples are part of the printed dictionary, and as such should be consistent in style.

Examples should be short, succint pieces of lojban text that demonstrate the word in question and/or the particular definition they are associated with.

Examples should consist solely of lojbanic text written in Standard Lojban, as shown in the CLL. Exceptions must be made when the word being defined is itself experimental, of course.

If at all possible, examples should be quotations of real usage, rather than made up on the spot.

A good example:

do banzu tu'a lo sidju tu'a le se djica be mi

A bad example; contains non-lojbanic text:

do banzu tu'a lo sidju tu'a le se djica be mi (see how I used tu'a to simplify?)

A bad example; too damn long:

.abu za'o banro gi'e banro gi'e bazi bilga le nu cidysa'i le loldi .ibazibo le canlu na banzu la'edi'u ji'asai

A bad example; contains non-standard lojbanic text:

i cusku "lu do nelci li'u" i la'edi'u banzu
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This is jbovlaste, the lojban dictionary system.
The main code was last changed on Wed 07 Oct 2020 05:54:55 PM PDT.
All content is public domain. By submitting content, you agree to place it in the public domain to the fullest extent allowed by local law.
jbovlaste is an official project of the logical language group, and is now headed by Robin Lee Powell.
E-mail him if you have any questions.
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