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Discussion of "mei'e"
Comment #1:
Needs a famyma'o
Jonathan (Wed May 27 18:54:40 2015)
From what I can tell this accepts an unlimited number of sumti and turns it into one sumti; thus it needs a famyma'o if you want to continue filling other sumti-places in the bridi.
Comment #3:
Re: Needs a famyma'o
Lorenzo Von Matterhorn (Wed May 27 22:41:52 2015)
spheniscine wrote: > From what I can tell this accepts an unlimited number of sumti and turns it > into one sumti; thus it needs a famyma'o if you want to continue filling > other sumti-places in the bridi.
Yes, I don't know. Make it mei'o or something. I made this word 2 years ago and gleki asked me to add it today. I don't care much about it. But thanks for writing the English definition for me. :)
Comment #4:
Re: Needs a famyma'o
Alex Burka (Wed May 27 22:42:10 2015)
spheniscine wrote: > From what I can tell this accepts an unlimited number of sumti and turns it > into one sumti; thus it needs a famyma'o if you want to continue filling > other sumti-places in the bridi.
But there are no other sumti-places, if mei'e is the main selbri.
Comment #5:
Re: Needs a famyma'o
Jonathan (Thu May 28 01:34:05 2015)
I'm more thinking of (lo mei'e ko'a ko'e fo'a fo'e (mei'o) fo'o broda), to make mei'e cover the first four sumti but not fo'o; sure, a (ku) would have sufficed in this example, but won't if (fo'e) was a sumti with a gadri.