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Discussion of "tetybivysamsle"

Comment #1: tebibyte vs terabyte
Alex Burka (Mon Sep 15 17:38:00 2014)

I don't think this "close to" thing is a great idea. You should specify
whether this word refers to a terabyte (10^12) or a tebibyte (2^40) and
maybe create a different lujvo for the other one.

Comment #2: Re: tebibyte vs terabyte
Wuzzy (Mon Sep 15 18:58:26 2014)

durka42 wrote:
> I don't think this "close to" thing is a great idea. You should specify
> whether this word refers to a terabyte (10^12) or a tebibyte (2^40) and
> maybe create a different lujvo for the other one.

I fully agree. Select one of the two, write the concrete (!) number and
stick to it. Don’t weasel around it. Preciseness is important here, as
the word “terabyte” is already messed up. Don’t let the clumsiness
pollute Lojban as well.

I also think the “close to” concept is not very useful, for this we
can always use “ji'i”.

I strongly prefer to use 2^40 (“tebibyte”) first, because this is the
usual way in computer science and broadly accepted. But as said, we can
always create new words for the other concept when needed.
Also, the word “tebibyte” is safe to use, as it is standarized. The
word “terabyte”, however is not and needs to be disambiguated. This is
because there is no real standard defining the word “terabyte”, it’s
all just convention.

And of course this applies to all other words of this family.

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