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Discussion of "cpolinomi'a"

Comment #1: Commentary
Curtis W Franks (Tue Jan 21 19:23:52 2014)

We now have a way to specify formal polynomials (as opposed to polynomial
functions). I propose that tefsujme'o be used strictly for the latter
situation and ve redefined accordingly.
I was thinking that we should generalize both definitions to be at least
usable for Laurent polynomials/series (resp.); perhaps for Taylor
expansions too.

We now have a word for coefficient of a polynomial, which was not
immediately clear before.

Comment #2: Re: Commentary
Curtis W Franks (Sun Apr 19 19:14:41 2015)

krtisfranks wrote:
> We now have a way to specify formal polynomials (as opposed to polynomial
> functions). I propose that tefsujme'o be used strictly for the latter
> situation and ve redefined accordingly.
> I was thinking that we should generalize both definitions to be at least
> usable for Laurent polynomials/series (resp.); perhaps for Taylor
> expansions too.
> We now have a word for coefficient of a polynomial, which was not
> immediately clear before.

I think that it may be better for the coefficients to be presentes in an
ordered list with the first coefficient presented being the leading
coefficient and then each subsequent coefficient being associated with the
power of the variable decreased by one per entry in the list such that any
nonspecified coefficients are assumed to be 0. In this way, the list would
work more like ki'o; additionally, the leading coefficient is the most
important one and should be easiest to reference and specify. (Note: the
first coefficient specified would typically be forced to be nonzero under
this proposal)

Comment #3: Some more issues
Curtis W Franks (Sat Apr 30 18:04:26 2016)

The indeterminate could be understood to belong to another structure
(particularly, the domain, when understood as a function). But in algebra,
this really is not necessary. I am not sure whether or not to support it.

I think that I am going to reverse the order of the coefficients, since we
want the order to match the default of po'i'oi and the highest-degree
coefficient is the most important one.

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