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Discussion of "integrale"
[parent] [root]
Comment #1: Notes
Curtis W Franks (Tue Oct 6 22:35:58 2015)

1) x2 must be a function. Despite being denoted a "f(x)", it really should
only ever be "f".
2) The measure should be specified as x3.
3) The set over which the integral is being performed should be specified
as x4. It might be beneficial to distinguish between
antidifferentiation/indefinite-integration and definite-integration; my
proposals are mostly based on the interpretation of this word being for
definite-integration. It might be advisable to either define a toggling
terbri or separate these words completely, since they are really sort of
separate (definite integrals happen to be equal to the difference of
antiderivatives, but that is a theorem rather than a definition; having
separate words is my preference).

Comment #2: Re: Notes
gleki (Wed Oct 7 06:35:15 2015)

krtisfranks wrote:
> 1) x2 must be a function. Despite being denoted a "f(x)", it really
> only ever be "f".
> 2) The measure should be specified as x3.
> 3) The set over which the integral is being performed should be specified

> as x4.

Can't we just specify it within place structure of fancu whichwould take

> It might be beneficial to distinguish between
> antidifferentiation/indefinite-integration and definite-integration; my
> proposals are mostly based on the interpretation of this word being for
> definite-integration. It might be advisable to either define a toggling
> terbri or separate these words completely, since they are really sort of
> separate (definite integrals happen to be equal to the difference of
> antiderivatives, but that is a theorem rather than a definition; having
> separate words is my preference).

Even CLL predicts that integrale will eventually be split.

Comment #3: Re: Notes
Curtis W Franks (Wed Oct 7 17:20:36 2015)

gleki wrote:
> krtisfranks wrote:
> > 1) x2 must be a function. Despite being denoted a "f(x)", it really
> should
> > only ever be "f".
> > 2) The measure should be specified as x3.
> > 3) The set over which the integral is being performed should be
> > as x4.
> Can't we just specify it within place structure of fancu whichwould take
> integrale2?

Nope. They are completely independent. Convention/"reason" might indicate
the most probable measure, but that is the purpose of having the terbri and
filling it explicitly or otherwise with zo'o; in the end, you still need
the terbri.

> > It might be beneficial to distinguish between
> > antidifferentiation/indefinite-integration and definite-integration; my

> > proposals are mostly based on the interpretation of this word being for

> > definite-integration. It might be advisable to either define a toggling

> > terbri or separate these words completely, since they are really sort
> > separate (definite integrals happen to be equal to the difference of
> > antiderivatives, but that is a theorem rather than a definition; having

> > separate words is my preference).
> Even CLL predicts that integrale will eventually be split.

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