The Logical Language Group Online Dictionary Query

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To improve the quality of results, jbovlaste search does not return words with insufficient votes. To qualify to be returned in search results, a proposed lujvo is required to have received a vote in favor in both directions: for instance, in English to Lojban and in Lojban to English.

In addition, due to it being a very technically hard problem, full text searching (that is, searching of definitions rather than just keywords) is not available at this time.

15 definitions found
From Lojban to Spanish :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: estar
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: x1 está/está presente en/asiste a evento x2
       Notes: Ver también stuzi,  diklo.

From Lojban to Gua\spi :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: jir
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: \x1 /jir \x2

From Lojban to Toki Pona :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: lon in the sense of "lon ma anu lon"
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: x1 li lon x2
       Notes: x2 li ma anu lon. nimi pi kon poka li ni: stuzi, zasti,
       jbini, nenri, vasru, cpana, diklo, jibni, tcini,
       cabna, lamji, vitke
  Place Keywords:
    1. ijo lon in the sense of "ijo ni li lon ma anu lon"
    2. ma anu lon in the sense of "ijo li lon ma ni anu lon ni"

From Lojban to Hungarian :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: jelen van
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: x1 tárgy/esemény jelen van x2 helyen/esemény helyén
       Notes: (Lásd még: stuzi, jbini, nenri, vasru, cpana,
       diklo, jibni, cabna, lamji, tcini, xabju, jmive,
       jundi, vitke)

From Lojban to German :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: an in the sense of "an einem Ort sein/stattfinden"
  Gloss Word: auf in the sense of "auf einer Veranstaltung sein/stattfinden"
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: x1 (Objekt/Ereignis) ist an x2 (Ort)/auf x2 (Veranstaltung)
  Place Keywords:
    1. Ort ; Veranstaltung in the sense of "räumliche Positionsbestimmung"

From Lojban to Esperanto :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: ĉeesti
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: x1 (objekto/okazo) ĉeestas je x2 (okazo/loko)
       Notes: Momenta pozicio de movebla objekto/ago.  (kp. precipe stuzi por
       esenca/nealiigebla loko, jbini, nenri, se vasru, cpana, diklo,
       jibni, cabna, lamji, tcini, xabju, jmive, jundi, vitke)

From Lojban to Easy French :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: x1 est présent à l'endroit x2

From Lojban to Chinese :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: 
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: $x1$(事/物)存在/附着/出现于(事/物)$x2$

From Lojban to Russian :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: на in the sense of "текущее местонахождение"
  Gloss Word: находиться
  Gloss Word: в in the sense of "текущее местонахождение"
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: x1 (объект/событие) находится в,на/присутствует на x2
       Notes: [текущее местонахождение мобильного объекта/события]; (ср. в
       частности stuzi - постоянное/неизменное местонахождение,
       jbini, nenri, se vasru, cpana, diklo, jibni, cabna,
       lamji, tcini, xabju, jmive, jundi, vitke)

From Lojban to Simple English :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: something which is present
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: x1 is present at x2
  Place Keywords:
    1. something which is present
    2. a location something is present at

From Pure-Lojban Dictionary :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: zvati
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: x1 dunli x2 le ka ce'u fasnu bu'u makau
       Notes: bu'u

From Lojban to Japanese :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: x1 (物/事)が x2 (事/所)に居る/在る
       Notes: 本質的な所在でなく、一時的な所在。 ・大意: 居る ・読み方: ズヴァティ  ・語呂合わせ: <ずっとバチカンに居る>,
       zai 在 ・関連語: stuzi (本来・固有の場所), jbini, nenri, se vasru,
       cpana, diklo, jibni, cabna, lamji, tcini, xabju,
       jmive, jundi, vitke

From Lojban to English :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: at
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: x1 (object/event) is at/attending/present at x2
       Notes: Atemporal; location equivalent of cabna. Refers to a nonce
       location for an object/activity that is mobile.  (cf.
       especially stuzi for an inherent/inalienable location,
       jbini, nenri, se vasru, cpana, diklo, jibni,
       cabna, lamji, tcini, xabju, jmive, jundi, vitke)
  Place Keywords:
    1. position in the sense of "place/location"

From Lojban to Norwegian :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: til stede
  Gloss Word: fremmøtt
  Gloss Word: foregå
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: x1 er til stede/foregår i/ved/på x2 (hendelse/sted)
  Place Keywords:
    1. til stede
    2. sted

From Lojban to Polish :

        Word: zvati [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: znajdować się
  Gloss Word: być in the sense of "przebywać w położeniu"
       rafsi: zva
  Definition: x1 jest w / znajduje się na / jest w x2
  Place Keywords:
    2. lokacja in the sense of "położenie, miejsce"

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