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From Lojban to Spanish :
Word: vrude [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: virtuoso rafsi: vud vu'e Definition: x1 es virtuoso/santo/moralmente bueno según estándar x2 Notes: Ver también palci, xamgu, marde, zabna.From Pure-Lojban Dictionary :
Word: vrude [jbovlaste] Type: gismu rafsi: vud vu'e Definition: x1 zabna x2 ma'i lo marde .i x1 to'e palci x2 Notes: zabna; marde; palciFrom Lojban to Japanese :
Word: vrude [jbovlaste] Type: gismu rafsi: vud vu'e Definition: x1 は x2 の観点で有徳/高潔/光栄 Notes: ・大意: 誉れ ・読み方: ヴルデ ・関連語: palci, xamgu, marde, zabnaFrom Lojban to Hungarian :
Word: vrude [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: erényes rafsi: vud vu'e Definition: x1 erényes/„jó” x2 mérce szerint Notes: (Lásd még: palci, xamgu, marde, zabna)From Lojban to Russian :
Word: vrude [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: добродетельный rafsi: vud vu'e Definition: x1 — добродетельный/доблестный/праведный/[высокоморальный] относительно стандарта x2 Notes: Святой: cesyvu'e palci (дурной), xamgu (хороший), marde (мораль), zabna (одобрительный) Place Keywords: 1. добродетельныйFrom Lojban to German :
Word: vrude [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: Tugend rafsi: vud vu'e Definition: x1 ist tugendhaft/rechtschaffen/heiligenmäßig/[moralisch gut/nett/heilig] gemäß Standard x2From Lojban to Easy French :
Word: vrude [jbovlaste] Type: gismu rafsi: vud vu'e Definition: x1 est vertueux selon la norme x2From Lojban to English :
Word: vrude [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: virtue Gloss Word: virtuous rafsi: vud vu'e Definition: x1 is virtuous/saintly/[fine/moral/nice/holy/morally good] by standard x2. Notes: Holy/saintly (= cesyvu'e). Virtue the attribute is "ka vrude". See also palci, xamgu, marde, zabna.From Lojban to Chinese :
Word: vrude [jbovlaste] Type: gismu rafsi: vud vu'e Definition: x1是善良的/有德的/圣洁的/正直的,基于标准x2 Notes: 神圣的= cesyvu'e;美德=ka vrude;参见 palci, xamgu, marde, zabna.From Lojban to Esperanto :
Word: vrude [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: virta rafsi: vud vu'e Definition: x1 estas virta/sankta/[morale bona] laŭ normo x2 Notes: Sankta (= cesyvu'e). Vidu ankaŭ palci, xamgu, marde, zabna.From Lojban to Simple English :
Word: vrude [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: something virtuous rafsi: vud vu'e Definition: x1 is virtuous by standard x3 Place Keywords: 1. something virtuous 2. a standard of virtue