The Logical Language Group Online Dictionary Query

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To improve the quality of results, jbovlaste search does not return words with insufficient votes. To qualify to be returned in search results, a proposed lujvo is required to have received a vote in favor in both directions: for instance, in English to Lojban and in Lojban to English.

In addition, due to it being a very technically hard problem, full text searching (that is, searching of definitions rather than just keywords) is not available at this time.

12 definitions found
From Lojban to Japanese :

        Word: mulno [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: mul mu'o
  Definition: x1 (事)は完了している;  x1 は x2 (性質)に関して、 x3 (観点)において包括的/総体的
       Notes: ・大意: 完了 ・読み方: ムルゥノ ・語呂合わせ: complete, uan(完) ・関連語: fanmo,
       culno, pagbu, xadba, prane, jalge, sumji, munje,
       sisti, xadni

From Lojban to English :

        Word: mulno [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: complete in the sense of "finished"
  Gloss Word: finished
  Gloss Word: done in the sense of "finished"
  Gloss Word: perfected in the sense of "finished"
  Gloss Word: entire
  Gloss Word: fully in the sense of "completely"
  Gloss Word: wholly
  Gloss Word: entirely
       rafsi: mul mu'o
  Definition: x1 (event) is complete/done/finished; x1 (object) has become
       whole in property x2 by standard x3.
       Notes: Also perfected, entirety; (adverb/adjective:) entire, total,
       integral, fully, totally, wholly, completely, entirely.  See
       also fanmo, culno, pagbu, xadba, prane, jalge,
       sumji, munje, sisti, xadni.

From Lojban to German :

        Word: mulno [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: abgeschlossen
       rafsi: mul mu'o
  Definition: x1 (Ereignis) ist abgeschlossen/fertig/beendet; x1 (Objekt) ist
       vollständig/ganz in Eigenschaft x2 gemäß Standard x3

From Lojban to Chinese :

        Word: mulno [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: mul mu'o
  Definition: x1(事件)是完整的/已经完成的/做完的;x1变得完整,在性质x2上,基于标准x3
       Notes: 也指:完美的/完全的/整体的;参见 fanmo, culno, pagbu, xadba, prane,
       jalge, sumji, munje, sisti, xadni.

From Lojban to Dutch :

        Word: mulno [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: compleet in the sense of "geklaard"
  Gloss Word: gedaan
  Gloss Word: voldaan
  Gloss Word: klaar
  Gloss Word: helemaal
  Gloss Word: afgelopen
  Gloss Word: voledig
  Gloss Word: geheel
       rafsi: mul mu'o
  Definition: x1 (gebeurtenis) is voldaan/klaar/afgelopen; x1 (object) is
       klaar/af en is en geheel geworden x2 met de x3 standaard.

From Lojban to Easy French :

        Word: mulno [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: mul mu'o
  Definition: x1 est complet ; x1 est complet selon la propriété x2 selon le
       standard x3
       Notes: x1 : évènement/objet

From Lojban to Russian :

        Word: mulno [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: завершенное
       rafsi: mul mu'o
  Definition: x1 (событие) завершено/сделано/закончено
       (вполне/полностью/целиком); x1 (объект) стал/сделался
       целым/полным/законченным по свойству x2 по стандарту x3
       Notes: Наречие: целиком, полностью, вполне, совсем, совершенно fanmo
       (конец), culno (полный [чего-либо]), pagbu (часть), xadba
       (половина), prane (совершенный), jalge (результат), sumji
       (сумма [результат сложения]), munje (мир [вселенная]),
       sisti (останавливать), xadni (тело)
  Place Keywords:
    1. завершенное

From Lojban to Spanish :

        Word: mulno [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: completo
       rafsi: mul mu'o
  Definition: x1 esta completo/hecho/terminado en propiedad x2 según estándar

From Lojban to Esperanto :

        Word: mulno [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: kompleta
       rafsi: mul mu'o
  Definition: x1 (okazo) estas kompleta/tuta/elfarita/finita; x1 (objekto)
       iĝis tuto en eco x2 laŭ normo x3
       Notes: Ankaŭ: perfektigita, tuto; (adverbo:) plene, komplete, tute,
       absolute.  Vidu ankaŭ fanmo, culno, pagbu, xadba,
       prane, jalge, sumji, munje, sisti, xadni.

From Lojban to Simple English :

        Word: mulno [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: complete
       rafsi: mul mu'o
  Definition: x1 is complete in property x2 (ka)
  Place Keywords:
    1. something complete
    2. the property of completeness

From Pure-Lojban Dictionary :

        Word: mulno [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: mul mu'o
  Definition: x1 jai claxu no pagbu fai x2
       Notes: claxu; pagbu; fanmo; culno; prane; xadba; munje

From Lojban to Hungarian :

        Word: mulno [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: teljes
       rafsi: mul mu'o
  Definition: x1 teljes/egész/befejezett/kész x2 tulajdonságban, x3 mérce
       Notes: (Lásd még: fanmo, culno, pagbu, xadba, prane,
       jalge, sumji, munje, sisti, xadni)

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