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From Lojban to Spanish :
Word: mudri [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: madera rafsi: mud Definition: x1 es una cantidad de madera/leña de árbol de tipo/especie x2From Lojban to Easy French :
Word: mudri [jbovlaste] Type: gismu rafsi: mud Definition: x1 est du bois de type x2From Lojban to Russian :
Word: mudri [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: древесина rafsi: mud Definition: x1 — древесина деревьев типа/вида x2; x1 — деревянный Notes: tricu (дерево), stani (стебель) Place Keywords: 1. древесинаFrom Lojban to Hungarian :
Word: mudri [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: faanyag rafsi: mud Definition: x1 bizonyos mennyiségű faanyag (-ot tartalmaz/-ból készült) x2 fajú/fajta fá(k)ból Notes: (Lásd még: tricu, stani)From Lojban to Esperanto :
Word: mudri [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: ligno rafsi: mud Definition: x1 estas kvanto da/enhavas/konsistas el ligno el arbo(j) de tipo/speco x2 Notes: Vidu ankaŭ tricu, stani.From Lojban to Simple English :
Word: mudri [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: a quantity of wood rafsi: mud Definition: x1 is a quantity of wood of type x2 Place Keywords: 1. a quantity of wood 2. a species of woodFrom Lojban to Japanese :
Word: mudri [jbovlaste] Type: gismu rafsi: mud Definition: x1 は x2 (種類)の木/木材 Notes: 素材としての木。「lo vi jubme genai tricu gi mudri/ここにある机は、樹木ではないが木材でできている。」 ・大意: 木材 ・読み方: ムドリ ・語呂合わせ: mu(木), madera,wood 木にムクドリ ・関連語: tricu, staniFrom Lojban to German :
Word: mudri [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: Holz rafsi: mud Definition: x1 ist eine Menge an/enthält/besteht aus Holz/Nutzholz von Baum/Bäumen von Typ/Art x2From Lojban to Chinese :
Word: mudri [jbovlaste] Type: gismu rafsi: mud Definition: x1是木材/木制品,来自树/树种x2 Notes: 参见 tricu, stani.From Lojban to English :
Word: mudri [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: wood in the sense of "the material" rafsi: mud Definition: x1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains wood/lumber from tree(s) of type/species x2. Notes: See also tricu, stani.