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From Lojban to Esperanto :
Word: larcu [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: arto rafsi: lar Definition: x1 (procedo) estas arto [kreema apliko] de metio/lerteco x2 (ideo/ago) Notes: Vidu ankaŭ finti, zbasu, stati.From Lojban to Hungarian :
Word: larcu [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: művészet rafsi: lar Definition: x1 (folyamat) egy művészi alkalmazása x2 mesterségnek/készségnek Notes: (Lásd még: finti, zbasu, stati)From Lojban to Japanese :
Word: larcu [jbovlaste] Type: gismu rafsi: lar Definition: x1 (創作物/創作過程)は x2 (芸術様式/芸術流派)の実践/応用; x1 は芸術的 Notes: ・大意: 芸術 ・読み方: ルァルシュ ・語呂合わせ: ある種の芸術 ・関連語: finti, zbasu, statiFrom Lojban to Chinese :
Word: larcu [jbovlaste] Type: gismu rafsi: lar Definition: x1(过程)是艺术(创造性的应用),关于手艺/技艺x2(行为/想法) Notes: x1是艺术的;参见 finti, zbasu, stati.From Lojban to Spanish :
Word: larcu [jbovlaste] Type: gismu rafsi: lar Definition: x1 es un arte/aplicación creativa de habilidad x2From Lojban to English :
Word: larcu [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: art rafsi: lar Definition: x1 (process) is an art [creative application] of craft/skill x2 (idea/activity). Notes: (adjective:) x1 is artistic. See also finti, zbasu, stati.From Lojban to Russian :
Word: larcu [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: искусство rafsi: lar Definition: x1 (процесс) есть искусство — творческое применение умения/ремесла x2 (идея/деятельность) Notes: Прилагательное: x1 — артистический finti (сочинять), zbasu (изготавливать), stati (талант) Place Keywords: 1. искусство 2. умение (в искусстве)From Lojban to Simple English :
Word: larcu [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: an art rafsi: lar Definition: x1 is an art of craft or skill x2 Place Keywords: 1. an art 2. a craft of artFrom Lojban to Easy French :
Word: larcu [jbovlaste] Type: gismu rafsi: lar Definition: x1 est un art nécessitant l'aptitude x2 Notes: x1 : processus. x2 : idée/activitéFrom Lojban to German :
Word: larcu [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: Kunst rafsi: lar Definition: x1 (Prozess) ist eine Kunst [kreative Anwendung] von Handwerk/Fertigkeit x2 (Idee/Aktivität)