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From Lojban to Simple English :
Word: ganlo [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: something closed rafsi: ga'o Definition: x1 is closed, preventing access to x2 by x3 Place Keywords: 1. something closed 2. something inaccessible due to closure 3. something that is blocked due to closureFrom Lojban to Esperanto :
Word: ganlo [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: fermita rafsi: ga'o Definition: x1 (pordo/pasejo/koridoro/trairejo/enirejo) estas fermita/malebligas pason/aliron al x2 kontraŭ pasanto x3 Notes: Kiel enirejo, sed ankaŭ eble kiel duonpenetrebla membrano. Vidu ankaŭ kalri, pagre, canko, vorme, zunti. Place Keywords: 1. fermito 2. neatingato in the sense of "pro fermito" 3. nepasanto in the sense of "pro fermito"From Lojban to Swedish :
Word: ganlo [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: avspärrad Gloss Word: igenbommad Gloss Word: stängd rafsi: ga'o Definition: x1 är stängd/sluten/avspärrad/igenbommad/inte öppen, vilket förhindrar passage/tillträde till x2 för x3. Notes: Som en ingång/port/dörröppning, men också t.ex. ett helvgenomträngligt membran.From Lojban to German :
Word: ganlo [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: geschlossen rafsi: ga'o Definition: x1 (Portal/Durchgang/Eingang) ist geschlossen/zu/nicht offen und versperrt den Zugang zu x2 für x3 (Hinübergehenden)From Lojban to Russian :
Word: ganlo [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: перекрытый rafsi: ga'o Definition: x1 (проход/путь) закрыт/перекрыт, не давая доступа к x2 x3 (кому) Notes: Также 'дверь', 'полупроницаемая мембрана'. См. kalri - 'открытый', pagre - 'проникать (проходить сквозь)', canko - 'окно', vorme - 'дверь', zunti - 'мешать (препятствовать)' Place Keywords: 1. перекрытый 2. недоступное местоFrom Lojban to Hungarian :
Word: ganlo [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: zárt rafsi: ga'o Definition: x1 ajtó/átjáró/kapu zárva/csukva van, meggátolva a be-/átjutásban x2-hez x3-nak (egy áthaladó) Notes: (Lásd még: kalri, pagre, canko, vorme, zunti)From Lojban to Easy French :
Word: ganlo [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: fermé rafsi: ga'o Definition: x1 est fermé,empêchant le passage vers x2 à un passant x3 Notes: x1 : porte/passage/entrée Place Keywords: 1. chose fermée 2. chose inaccessible in the sense of "à cause de la fermeture" 3. chose bloquée in the sense of "à cause de la fermeture"From Lojban to Japanese :
Word: ganlo [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: 閉鎖 rafsi: ga'o Definition: x1 は x2 (到達されないもの/所)にたいして x3 (通過を妨げられているもの)にとって閉まっている; x1 は x3 が x2 へ達することを妨げる Notes: x1 はドアなどのほか、半透膜も。 ・大意: 閉鎖 ・読み方: ガンルォ ・関連語: kalri, pagre, canko, vorme, zunti Place Keywords: 1. 閉じているもの in the sense of "通過を妨げるもの" 2. 到達されないもの in the sense of "閉鎖によって" 3. 通れないもの in the sense of "閉鎖によって"From Lojban to Spanish :
Word: ganlo [jbovlaste] Type: gismu rafsi: ga'o Definition: x1 está cerrado/clausurado a lado x2 por paseante x3 Notes: Ver también kalri.From Lojban to English :
Word: ganlo [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: closed rafsi: ga'o Definition: x1 (portal/passage/entrance-way) is closed/shut/not open, preventing passage/access to x2 by x3 (something being blocked). Notes: As a doorway, but also perhaps a semi-permeable membrane. x3 is blocked by x1. x2 is inaccessible. See also kalri, pagre, canko, vorme, zunti. Place Keywords: 1. closed thing 2. inaccessible thing in the sense of "due to closure" 3. blocked thing in the sense of "due to closure"From Pure-Lojban Dictionary :
Word: ganlo [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: ganlo rafsi: ga'o Definition: lo nu pagre x1 boi (to noi vorme toi) x2 fa x3 fo zi'o cu se zunti zi'o zi'o Notes: ko catlu fe ji'a zo kalri .e zo pagre .e zo canko .e zo vorme .e zo zuntiFrom Lojban to Chinese :
Word: ganlo [jbovlaste] Type: gismu Gloss Word: 关闭 rafsi: ga'o Definition: 入口/通道/门x1是关闭的/不开放的/不可通行的,通道原本通向x2,对通过者x3 Notes: 通道也可能指半透膜;参见 kalri, pagre, canko, vorme, zunti. Place Keywords: 1. 关闭的 2. 达不到的 in the sense of "关闭" 3. 通不過的 in the sense of "关闭"