The Logical Language Group Online Dictionary Query

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To improve the quality of results, jbovlaste search does not return words with insufficient votes. To qualify to be returned in search results, a proposed lujvo is required to have received a vote in favor in both directions: for instance, in English to Lojban and in Lojban to English.

In addition, due to it being a very technically hard problem, full text searching (that is, searching of definitions rather than just keywords) is not available at this time.

14 definitions found
From Lojban to Swedish :

        Word: djica [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: vill in the sense of "vill ha/vill att"
  Gloss Word: begär in the sense of "vill ha något"
  Gloss Word: åtrå
  Gloss Word: åstunda
  Gloss Word: önskar in the sense of "som att önska i present (något som vill ha)"
       rafsi: dji
  Definition: x1 begär/åtrår/åstundar/vill ha/önskar x2 (händelse/tillstånd)
       för ändamål x3.

From Lojban to Spanish :

        Word: djica [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: dji
  Definition: x1 desea/quiere x2 con propósito x3
       Notes: Ver también taske,  xagji,  nitcu.

From Lojban to Chinese :

        Word: djica [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: dji
  Definition: x1渴望/期望/想要x2(状态/事件),为了目的x3
       Notes: 当期望的是某物时,使用po'edji,或者在x2位使用tu'a;参见 taske, xagji, mukti,
       nitcu, nelci, pacna, prami, rigni, trina, xebni,

From Pure-Lojban Dictionary :

        Word: djica [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
       rafsi: dji
  Definition: x1 cinmo lo ka nitcu x2 x3 .i x1 cinmo lo ka lo nu tolcau x2 cu
       rinka x3 noi ba se gleki ja se mansa x1
       Notes: cinmo; nitcu; tolcau; rinka; gleki; mansa

From Lojban to Simple English :

        Word: djica [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: a desirer
       rafsi: dji
  Definition: x1 desires or wants x2 for purpose x3
  Place Keywords:
    1. a desirer
    2. something desired
    3. a purpose for a desire

From Lojban to Dutch :

        Word: djica [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: verlangen
       rafsi: dji
  Definition: x1 verlangt/wilt/wenst naar x2 (gebeurtenis/moment) voor doel
       Notes: Als het verlangen is naar een object, tu'a in x2 (of gebruik
       lujvo = po'edji).  Zie ook : taske, xagji, mukti,
       nitcu, nelci, pacna, prami, rigni, trina, xebni,

From Lojban to Japanese :

        Word: djica [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: 欲求
  Gloss Word: 欲する
       rafsi: dji
  Definition: x1 は x2 (事)を x3 (目的)のために欲する/求める; x1 は x3 (目的)のために x2
       Notes: x2にモノを入れたい場合は、tu'azo'e pe を使う。本能的欲求も。 ・読み方: ヂシャ  ・関連語:
       taske, xagji, mukti, nitcu, nelci, pacna, prami,
       rigni, trina, xebni, xlura

From Lojban to English :

        Word: djica [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: desire
       rafsi: dji
  Definition: x1 desires/wants/wishes x2 (event/state) for purpose x3.
       Notes: If desire is for an object, this is sumti-raising; use tu'a in
       x2 (or use lujvo = po'edji).  See also taske, xagji,
       mukti, nitcu, nelci, pacna, prami, rigni, trina,
       xebni, xlura.

From Lojban to Russian :

        Word: djica [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: хотеть
       rafsi: dji
  Definition: x1 хочет/желает x2 (событие/состояние) с целью x3; x1
       хочет/желает, чтобы x2 для x3
       Notes: Если x2 — предмет, это квалифицируется как «подъем sumti» и
       тогда x2 надо пометить маркером tu'a (или использовать lujvo:
       po'edji taske (жаждать), xagji (голодный), mukti
       (повод), nitcu (нуждаться), nelci (любить [предпочитать]),
       pacna (надеяться), prami (любить [кого-либо]), rigni
       (отвратительный), trina (привлекательный), xebni
       (ненавидеть), xlura (влиять)
  Place Keywords:
    1. хотящий
    2. желаемое

From Lojban to Hungarian :

        Word: djica [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: kíván
       rafsi: dji
  Definition: x1 kívánja/óhajtja x2 eseményt/állapotot x3 okból
       Notes: (Lásd még: taske, xagji, mukti, nitcu, nelci,
       pacna, prami, rigni, trina, xebni, xlura)

From Lojban to Easy French :

        Word: djica [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: désirer
       rafsi: dji
  Definition: x1 désire x2 dans le but x3
       Notes: x2 : événement/état

From Lojban to Norwegian :

        Word: djica [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: ønske in the sense of "ville"
  Gloss Word: ville
  Gloss Word: begjære
  Gloss Word: hige
       rafsi: dji
  Definition: x1 ønsker/vil ha/begjærer/higer etter x2 (hendelse/tilstand)
       til formål x3

From Lojban to Esperanto :

        Word: djica [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: deziri
       rafsi: dji
  Definition: x1 deziras/volas x2-on (okazo/stato) por celo x3
       Notes: Se deziro estas por objekto, ĉi tio estas sumti-levado; uzu
       tu'a en x2 (aŭ uzu lujvo = po'edji).  Vidu ankaŭ taske,
       xagji, mukti, nitcu, nelci, pacna, prami, rigni,
       trina, xebni, xlura.

From Lojban to German :

        Word: djica [jbovlaste]
        Type: gismu
  Gloss Word: hoffen
  Gloss Word: wünschen in the sense of "auf etwas hoffen"
       rafsi: dji
  Definition: x1 möchte/wünscht/hofft auf x2 (Ereignis/Zustand) zum Zwecke x3
       Notes: Im Gegensatz zu pacna macht djica explizit keine Aussage über
       die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Eintretens von x2.

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