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Discussion of "axlte"
[parent] [root]
Comment #3: Re: ajolote
Leo Molas (Fri Mar 12 16:04:38 2010)

tijlan wrote:
> leos wrote:
> > this animal has two different especies (Ambystoma mexicanum and
> Ambystoma
> > bombypellum -- http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambystoma_mexicanum ) so I
> > think it should have an x2
> Those taxonomic sumti can be recovered at any time with BAIs such as
> "sele'a" (lower categories) and "le'a" (upper categories). A brivla
> lacking a syntactically defined sumti item does not mean it is to lack
> that argument semantically. (For the same reason, the "by method", "by
> standard", "under condition", etc. places for certain brivla are not
> particularly useful but rather come to be cumbersome to memorize; these
> can, again, be freely recovered externally with "ta'i", "ma'i", "va'o",
> etc.)
> "species" and "breed" are quite a significant difference: reproduction
> cannot occur between different species, but it can between different
> breeds. It would be reasonable to not be ambiguous about which rank you
> mean when you add one of these sumti. That is to say that
> as an x2 is inadequate. We would be better off if we differentiated
> x2 for "species" and x3 for "breed". But even that is unnecessary, since
> "X is an axolotl of breed Y of species Z" can be expressed as "X axlte
> sele'a Y pe sele'a Z".

oki doki.
I made some changes based on the explanation. Thanks.

mu'o mi'e leos

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