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Discussion of "ga'arboijvi"
[parent] [root]
Comment #1: Similar concepts
Felipe Gonalves Assis (Sat Feb 8 19:47:53 2014)

What about other games such as golf and hockey?

Comment #2: Re: Similar concepts
Wuzzy (Sun Feb 9 03:11:12 2014)

filipos wrote:
> What about other games such as golf and hockey?

Good question. Thanks for asking this.
Actually, the definition is bad because it shows a clear cultural bias.
The other games you mentioned would make sense here, too. So I don’t
like this definition.

Probably a more culturally neutral approach would be to use a fu'ivla or
even a cmevla instead.

Comment #3: Re: Similar concepts
gleki (Sun Feb 9 08:21:38 2014)

Wuzzy wrote:
> filipos wrote:
> > What about other games such as golf and hockey?
> Good question. Thanks for asking this.
> Actually, the definition is bad because it shows a clear cultural bias.
> The other games you mentioned would make sense here, too. So I don’t
> like this definition.
> Probably a more culturally neutral approach would be to use a fu'ivla or
> even a cmevla instead.

la beizbol
la golf
la fudbol (=soccer)

Not sure about american football.

Comment #4: Re: Similar concepts
Felipe Gonalves Assis (Sun Feb 9 12:07:29 2014)

I would actually like native lujvo for sports, and I don't mind them being
a little arbitrary, as long as the alternatives are reasonably dealt with
(maybe golf would be kevboijvi for example).

English does that: foot-ball, hand-ball, volley-ball, basket-ball,
soft-ball, base-ball etc. It would be interesting to check if there are
native names for these games in other languages that don't follow the
English ones.

With extensive consideration, one could convincingly propose a rich

In fact, lujvo can be more neutral than fu'ivla, since we don't have to
commit to a specific foreign pronunciation.

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