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Discussion of "zo'oi"

Comment #1: This cmavo needs to die
Wuzzy (Sun Mar 29 15:50:39 2015)

I don't use this cmavo because:

1) It is an experimental cmavo
2) It is broken by design: It is unclear what is meant by ???word???. It is
unclear when such a ???word??? begins and when it ends. Note that not even
linguists agreed on a definition. Also, there are some languages where the
concept of ???word??? does not really apply. ???whitespace??? is not really
a good seperator. First, it needs to be defined which characters actually
fall under ???whitespace???. What about handwriting?
3) Even if the problems in 2) can be resolved, it would be very easy to use
this cmavo incorrectly. There are languages which have words (at least they
are considered ???words??? within these languages) which contain a glottal
stop inside them, althogh they have no spaces inside them. In German the
verb ???vereinen??? is pronounced [f??????????a????n??n] (IPA notation).
Because of the glottal stop in it, you cannot use ???zo'oi??? to quote it.
It would *only* work in written form, but not in spoken form. ???zo'oi???
would only quote the ???ver??? part of the word. I bet many people would
not think about this. It is very unintuitive.
4) This word can only work by changing the grammar. This is already bad,
but the new grammar which would apply is also not formally defined at all.
At least I don't know where to look.

The only real benefit of this cmavo is that is saves one lousy syllable
(???zo'oi example??? vs ???zoi gy.example.gy.???.
I think this small benefit does not outweigh the far bigger drawbacks.

I not only not use this cmavo, but I also recommend others to not use this.

Comment #2: Re: This cmavo needs to die
Wuzzy (Sun Mar 29 15:52:39 2015)

Gosh, the encoding of the previous post got completely messed up.

You can view the IPA notation of the German word "vereinen" here:


Comment #3: Re: This cmavo needs to die
gleki (Sun Mar 29 17:19:57 2015)

la guskant pu filseljmi ciksi lo krinu be lo nu zo zo'oi ka'e nabmi i ko
tcidu la'e zoi .net.
https://groups.google.com/d/topic/lojban/FY2m4kqJ_tg/discussion .net.

i to'u lo denpabu naku ka'e ku naku te sepli i ie ei stika lo smuvelcki be
zo'oi be'o pe la jbovlaste

Comment #4: Re: This cmavo needs to die
gleki (Sun Mar 29 17:20:43 2015)

u'u mi srera ciska

ni'o le'aise'i

i la guskant pu filseljmi ciksi lo krinu be lo nu zo zo'oi ka'e nabmi i ko
tcidu la'e zoi .net.
https://groups.google.com/d/topic/lojban/FY2m4kqJ_tg/discussion .net.

i to'u lo denpabu naku ka'e ku naku te sepli i ie ei stika lo smuvelcki be
zo zo'oi be'o pe la jbovlaste

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