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Discussion of "glebre"
[parent] [root]
Comment #5: Re: Inappropriately abstracted gloss words
Jorge Llambias (Tue Dec 14 13:15:31 2004)

arj wrote:
> "heat ; sex" would be "ka glebre", not "glebre".
> A more correct keyword would be "be in heat ; sex", but this would be
> collated under b, not h.

The problem is that jbovlaste is designed as a Lojban -> Natlang
dictionary. (Or Lojban -> Lojban.)

The Natlang -> Lojban counterpart comes as a side effect, but does not
always work very well. In a proper English -> Lojban dictionary we would
have something like:

heat 1. ka glare 2. ka glebre

or whatever. (I'd probably use nu instead of ka.) There is no garantee
that the words of one language are matched by single words of the other
jbovlaste has definitions for single Lojban words, not for single natlang
words. (In this case it is possible to add kamglare, kamglebre as words,
but there is no reason in general to match every single English word with
a single Lojban word.)

mi'e xorxes

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