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Discussion of "abu zei sance"
[parent] [root]
Comment #1: zei takes precedence here
Wesley Wilson (Fri Jan 1 18:21:22 2021)

Unfortunately, this zei lujvo does not work as intended. zei will take the
word to its right and left, which is bu, and leave "a" on its own. The
fact that "abu" is written as one word does not change the fact that they
parse as two separate words. I suggest using "a'y zei sance", which would
have the desired effect.

Comment #2: Re: zei takes precedence here
la du kooi noi zo zei zei zei zei fao ku ne vou biu pei (Sat Jan 2 05:39:30 2021)

ues wrote:
> Unfortunately, this zei lujvo does not work as intended. zei will take
> word to its right and left, which is bu, and leave "a" on its own. The
> fact that "abu" is written as one word does not change the fact that
> parse as two separate words. I suggest using "a'y zei sance", which
> have the desired effect.

The BPFK grammar processes magic words left-to-right, in general. After
the bu is read, the string ".a bu" works like a single word for any
following magic words, so for example, a single si deletes it, another
bu creates a the logical word ".a bu bu", and, yes, adding "zei
broda" creates the logical word ".a bu zei broda".

See https://mw.lojban.org/papri/magic_words_in_Lojban#Examples for more.

jbovlaste uses the same grammar to classify words, so if the word wasn't
valid, it would have refused to add it.

Comment #3: Re: zei takes precedence here
Wesley Wilson (Sat Jan 2 07:23:04 2021)

zozeizeizeizeifaho wrote:
> ues wrote:
> > Unfortunately, this zei lujvo does not work as intended. zei will take
> the
> > word to its right and left, which is bu, and leave "a" on its own. The
> > fact that "abu" is written as one word does not change the fact that
> they
> > parse as two separate words. I suggest using "a'y zei sance", which
> would
> > have the desired effect.
> The BPFK grammar processes magic words left-to-right, in general. After
> the bu is read, the string ".a bu" works like a single word for
> following magic words, so for example, a single si deletes it, another
> bu creates a the logical word ".a bu bu", and, yes, adding
> broda" creates the logical word ".a bu zei broda".
> See https://mw.lojban.org/papri/magic_words_in_Lojban#Examples for more.
> jbovlaste uses the same grammar to classify words, so if the word wasn't
> valid, it would have refused to add it.

I see. I was using jboski's parser and it used zei first. Thank you for

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