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Discussion of "e'u'a"

Comment #1: Thanks!
Curtis W Franks (Mon May 13 13:12:20 2019)

I have always thought about this one, so I am happy that you did it. Who
knows - it might have some interesting, if esoteric, utility!

Comment #2: FFFF
Curtis W Franks (Mon May 13 13:22:10 2019)

I am not sure how to get FFFF from TTTT using normal Lojban connective
negation. Negatives do not change the output of the connective, just the
inputs. For example ".a'y jenai by" means "A and not(B)" not "A not-and
B", the latter using possibly any connective other than 'AND' and,
presumably, being most likely to be equivalent to 'not(A) or not(B)" if
any particular realization were universally demanded.

So, the options for this word seem to me to be:
"not(A) TRUTH B", "A TRUTH not(B)", and "not(A) TRUTH not(B)".
Each of these negates at least one of the inputs in some way, but (for the
new inputs) will always evaluate to be true. In other words, the
respective truth tables for those would be each be TTTT too.

Comment #3: Re: FFFF
Curtis W Franks (Mon May 13 13:26:36 2019)

krtisfranks wrote:
> I am not sure how to get FFFF from TTTT using normal Lojban connective
> negation. Negatives do not change the output of the connective, just the
> inputs. For example ".a'y jenai by" means "A and not(B)" not "A not-and
> B", the latter using possibly any connective other than 'AND' and,
> presumably, being most likely to be equivalent to 'not(A) or not(B)" if
> any particular realization were universally demanded.
> So, the options for this word seem to me to be:
> "not(A) TRUTH B", "A TRUTH not(B)", and "not(A) TRUTH not(B)".
> Each of these negates at least one of the inputs in some way, but (for
> new inputs) will always evaluate to be true. In other words, the
> respective truth tables for those would be each be TTTT too.

Oh, I see: You made ".i'a'a" etc. for FFFF. Okay then! All is good.
False alarm.

Comment #4: Re: FFFF
Wesley Wilson (Wed May 15 21:16:52 2019)

Yes, I thought about it and concluded that separate words were necessary.
u'i "false alarm".

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