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Discussion of "re'olte"
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Comment #2: Re: On one's person
la du kooi noi zo zei zei zei zei fao ku ne vou biu pei (Thu Jun 9 13:09:42 2016)

krtisfranks wrote:
> So, is this essentially "on one's person" in the general sense that
> use (which includes one's vehicle, etc.)?

re'olte is intended?to fill a gap between ralte (physical possession
but not necessarily closeness/availability), bevri (requirement for a
source and destination), and jersi (no agency required, movement
implicated, reversed argument order). How far apart x_1 and x_2 can be is
left to context, or can be specified with ma'i if we ever decide on a way
to express standards. I'm not familiar with the police jargon use, so can't
comment on it.

Comment #3: Re: On one's person
la du kooi noi zo zei zei zei zei fao ku ne vou biu pei (Thu Jun 9 13:11:19 2016)

zozeizeizeizeifaho wrote:
> re'olte is intended?to fill a gap between ralte (physical possession

s/?/ /. Hooray for not handling Unicode properly in 2016!

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