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Discussion of "bei'e"
[parent] [root]
Comment #2: Re: Same minds think alike
gleki (Tue Feb 6 07:02:36 2018)

krtisfranks wrote:
> Heh. I was going to add this same word with the following
> meaning/description:
> "
> Open-ended sumti-linking.
> Operates as "be" does at first: it fills the first open sumti slot of
> immediately preceding word (which must be a brivla) with the next sumti
> which is uttered. However, it does not terminate with the conclusion of
> that sumti. It stays open (now linking as does "bei") filling
> heretofore-unfilled sumti slots of the immediately preceding brivla in
> with the subsequent sumti (in order); slots can be skipped via explicit
> utterance of "zo'e" or usage of FA, or by having already explicitly
> filled them. Terminates with "be'o" (elidable).
> Example: "lo klama bei'e lo ckule lo zdani lo vi dargu lo karce be'o" =
> klama be lo ckule bei fi lo zdani bei fo lo vi dargu bei fu lo karce
> "

Currently, possible via "lo klama be nu'i lo ckule lo zdani lo vi dargu lo
karce [nu'u]"
Only one syllable longer.

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