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Discussion of "timno"
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Comment #3: Re: why timne has the same four-letter rafsi
Curtis W Franks (Sun Sep 24 22:25:09 2017)

gleki wrote:
> lakanro wrote:
> > it's so bad
> but luckily it seems to be downvoted by the author 'emselves.

Also luckily: The words are the same. I am of the opinion that any two
gismu which are in similarity conflict with one another (under the
condition that the conflict does not involve the letters "b", "p", "f", or
"v" or - separately - "z", "s", "c", or "j"!) are the same word for all
purposes whatsoever except the assignment of short rafsi (which preferences
the canonical form) and a few other technical details, and thus must have
exactly the same (essentially singular) meaning. This pair satisfy these
properties and none of the exceptions apply, so we are all good.

Comment #4: Re: why timne has the same four-letter rafsi
Wang Jian (Sat Sep 30 06:34:36 2017)

krtisfranks wrote:
> gleki wrote:
> > lakanro wrote:
> > > it's so bad
> >
> >
> > but luckily it seems to be downvoted by the author 'emselves.
> Also luckily: The words are the same. I am of the opinion that any two
> gismu which are in similarity conflict with one another (under the
> condition that the conflict does not involve the letters "b", "p", "f",
> "v" or - separately - "z", "s", "c", or "j"!) are the same word for all
> purposes whatsoever except the assignment of short rafsi (which
> the canonical form) and a few other technical details, and thus must have

> exactly the same (essentially singular) meaning. This pair satisfy these
> properties and none of the exceptions apply, so we are all good.

i don't think so,they are so difficult, we can only choose one of them.

Comment #5: Re: why timne has the same four-letter rafsi
Wang Jian (Sat Sep 30 06:36:01 2017)

lakanro wrote:
> krtisfranks wrote:
> > gleki wrote:
> > > lakanro wrote:
> > > > it's so bad
> > >
> > >
> > > but luckily it seems to be downvoted by the author 'emselves.
> >
> > Also luckily: The words are the same. I am of the opinion that any two
> > gismu which are in similarity conflict with one another (under the
> > condition that the conflict does not involve the letters "b", "p", "f",

> or
> > "v" or - separately - "z", "s", "c", or "j"!) are the same word for all

> > purposes whatsoever except the assignment of short rafsi (which
> preferences
> > the canonical form) and a few other technical details, and thus must
> > exactly the same (essentially singular) meaning. This pair satisfy
> > properties and none of the exceptions apply, so we are all good.
> i don't think so,they are so difficult, we can only choose one of them.

not "difficult", it's "different"

Comment #6: Re: why timne has the same four-letter rafsi
Curtis W Franks (Sun Oct 1 00:19:14 2017)

lakanro wrote:
> > i don't think so,they are so difficult, we can only choose one of them.
> not "difficult", it's "different"

Oh, for some reason, when I looked last time, both terms pulled up the same
page. But now, when I do it, I see that they are in fact different. So,
everything that I said is totally wrong and should be ignored; you are

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