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Discussion of "zucna"

Comment #1: zucna4
Curtis W Franks (Mon Dec 27 09:31:04 2021)

zucna4 should probably define an semi-axis/ray of reference, 'down' which
an observer would look and thereby around which they would interpret the
relevant curling/winding (projected onto a plane if necessary) to be
counterclockwise. The observer would be looking originward/antiparallel
and colinearly along the said ray. The choice of reference rays (either by
choice of origin in multidimensional space or by the direction of the

The winding need not be confined to a plane so long as, along a given
segment (interval in parameter space), the winding be partially
counterclockwise (when projected into a local plane to which the reference
ray is normal and with which the reference ray has non-empty
intersection); the winding may simultaneously form a path in the rest of
space. For example, a narwhal tusk has helical grooves which are
left-handed (dutso) according to the reference ray which is colinear
with the axis of the tusk, originating in its gums at the base of the
tusk, and pointing toward and beyond the tip of the tusk; thus, the
grooves form a clockwise (dutso) winding according to the aforementioned
reference ray (or a zucna one from an antiparallel colinear ('negative')
ray thereto) but are linearly arranged in any plane which contains that
ray in full (consider cylindrical coördinates). However, other objects,
such as spaghetti may be zucna in one reference frame while being more
convoluted in another, possibly even being dutso in others which are not
trivial negations and shifts of the former (especially in
higher-dimensional spaces), or alternating between winding directions in
any given frame of reference according to the value of the parameter or
scale of observation (for example: a tight microscopically left-handed
helix can be looped around at a larger scale so as to have its whole body
form a macroscopically right-handed helix). All of these factors,
particularly scale and level of abstraction must be considered in an
encapsulated by any explicitly complete description filling zucna4;
however, often such things will be pragmatically unnecessary.

Curling/winding can be abstracted to motion, vector fields,
configurations, vectorial cross-products, etc. Anything which may be
considered right-handed is zucna in some sense and from some 'perspective'

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