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Discussion of "i'au"
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Comment #8: Re: Current (and hopefully final) understanding of the grammar of i'au
Jonathan (Sun Jul 19 14:34:28 2015)

This brings us to the problem of attaching a UI to a sumti (especially
important with po'o and ji'a, as the meaning of a sentence can change a
lot depending on what they're attached to)

"fa po'o lo broda cu brode" is commonly used to mean "lo broda ku po'o
brode", but may be somewhat problematic... the "correct" meaning is
probably "fa, and no other places". This meaning may be awkward (fi'a
is hardly used), but replace fa with a sumtcita and the problem becomes
clear: "ca po'o lo broda cu brode"... "only when broda did brode happen".
However, the ku version is often inconvenient, especially if the sumti
has several nestings.

There is actually a solution we found. "ke po'o lo broda cu brode" fronts
the UI without needing to attach to the sumti place. This is an extension
of ke useful to do complex things with connectives like "ke ko'a ce ko'e
ke'e ce ko'i". Unfortunately, the camxes parser has a bug, and doesn't
parse it correctly. (The more-experimental zantufa and alta parsers do
parse them, however.)

Currently, jbovlaste will accept data for 70 languages.
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