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Discussion of "xrotu"
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Comment #4: Re: Why the symmetry?
Brett Williams (Fri Mar 20 17:59:00 2015)

gleki wrote:
> Then maybe one place xrotu could be better with
> xrotu1 as a te sumti of plural type.

I agree actually in theory. The problem is that it's much more important to
have it parallel the shape of gletu so they can be smoothly contrasted.
If in practice it were possible to harmonize them by having gletu change
to one plural place for its structure then that might be the way to go, but
alas both estalbished usage and natlang misintuitions weigh against that

It's also not clear yet how exactly these structures relate to events of
gletu or xrotu with more than two participants. It could be that
additional participants can get additional places and they're actually
infinite arity. I guess that's what I'd prefer, but again that requires
some change to our established intuitions.

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