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Discussion of "dikca"

Comment #1: Signum
Curtis W Franks (Sun Mar 6 08:50:39 2016)

It should be pointed out which convention is used for what "positive
electric charge" means. The user can say "this is positive" but the
definition really should specify an automatic interpretation of that
utterance (which may be overridden by an explicit statement of convention
by the user). I propose that "positive" charge is any charge which has a
signum equal to the signum of the charge of an electron.

This matches other definitions which I have supplied.

This will necessitate the careful translation of any material on
electricity or related things. In particular, conventional current will
match typical electric current, voltages (potentials; the additional good
news is that electron orbits in classical models resemble gravitational
wells, which makes more intuitive sense) will be negative to English
convention, and the Lojbanic magnetic-south will be what English speakers
describe as "magnetic-north" (the additional good news is that geological
North on Earth is current Lojbanic magnetic-north). This all makes sense.

Comment #2: Re: Signum
Curtis W Franks (Sat Jun 26 10:04:43 2021)

krtisfranks wrote:
> It should be pointed out which convention is used for what "positive
> electric charge" means. The user can say "this is positive" but the
> definition really should specify an automatic interpretation of that
> utterance (which may be overridden by an explicit statement of
> by the user). I propose that "positive" charge is any charge which has a
> signum equal to the signum of the charge of an electron.
> This matches other definitions which I have supplied.
> This will necessitate the careful translation of any material on
> electricity or related things. In particular, conventional current will
> match typical electric current, voltages (potentials; the additional
> news is that electron orbits in classical models resemble gravitational
> wells, which makes more intuitive sense) will be negative to English
> convention, and the Lojbanic magnetic-south will be what English
> describe as "magnetic-north" (the additional good news is that
> North on Earth is current Lojbanic magnetic-north). This all makes

Correction/clarification: The aforementioned lujvo are defined already,
but they lack specificity enough to avoid ambiguity wrt charge signum
conventions. We can clarify them at no cost. I would, even so, find a
rafsi other than "-mar-" though.

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