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Discussion of "entropi"

Comment #1: Boltzman entropy should be named as ...?
gleki (Fri Jan 2 10:53:17 2015)

Since notes go to the output pdf file the readers would wonder what's the
word for Boltzman enthropy.

Comment #2: Re: Boltzman entropy should be named as ...?
Curtis W Franks (Fri Jan 2 13:54:50 2015)

gleki wrote:
> Since notes go to the output pdf file the readers would wonder what's
> word for Boltzman enthropy.

I do not know. I have not worked that out yet (it is a rather general
problem wherein concepts (especially types) are names after people). I
would love for a word like «pe» that would always work on selbri. (I
might be tired- it could be obvious).

Comment #3: Re: Boltzman entropy should be named as ...?
Curtis W Franks (Fri Jan 2 14:16:22 2015)

krtisfranks wrote:
> gleki wrote:
> > Since notes go to the output pdf file the readers would wonder what's
> the
> > word for Boltzman enthropy.
> I do not know. I have not worked that out yet (it is a rather general
> problem wherein concepts (especially types) are names after people). I
> would love for a word like «pe» that would always work on selbri. (I
> might be tired- it could be obvious).

If there is no solution already, I propose a single GOI modifier that
allows a GOI construct to attach to a selbri with essentially the same
meaning and operation as the GOI would without the modifier and attached
to a sumti. It would be an elegant solutions and would save cmavo space

Comment #4: Re: Boltzman entropy should be named as ...?
gleki (Fri Jan 2 15:36:02 2015)

krtisfranks wrote:
> krtisfranks wrote:
> > gleki wrote:
> > > Since notes go to the output pdf file the readers would wonder
> > the
> > > word for Boltzman enthropy.
> >
> > I do not know. I have not worked that out yet (it is a rather general
> > problem wherein concepts (especially types) are names after people). I
> > would love for a word like «pe» that would always work on selbri.
> > might be tired- it could be obvious).
> If there is no solution already, I propose a single GOI modifier that
> allows a GOI construct to attach to a selbri with essentially the same
> meaning and operation as the GOI would without the modifier and attached
> to a sumti. It would be an elegant solutions and would save cmavo space

why not a brivla?

Comment #5: Re: Boltzman entropy should be named as ...?
Alex Burka (Fri Jan 2 16:53:27 2015)

krtisfranks wrote:
> krtisfranks wrote:
> > gleki wrote:
> > > Since notes go to the output pdf file the readers would wonder
> > the
> > > word for Boltzman enthropy.
> >
> > I do not know. I have not worked that out yet (it is a rather general
> > problem wherein concepts (especially types) are names after people). I
> > would love for a word like «pe» that would always work on selbri.
> > might be tired- it could be obvious).
> If there is no solution already, I propose a single GOI modifier that
> allows a GOI construct to attach to a selbri with essentially the same
> meaning and operation as the GOI would without the modifier and attached
> to a sumti. It would be an elegant solutions and would save cmavo space

There is already the proposed po'oi.

Comment #6: Re: Boltzman entropy should be named as ...?
Curtis W Franks (Fri Jan 2 19:23:23 2015)

durka42 wrote:
> krtisfranks wrote:
> > krtisfranks wrote:
> > > gleki wrote:
> > > > Since notes go to the output pdf file the readers would wonder
> what's
> > > the
> > > > word for Boltzman enthropy.
> > >
> > > I do not know. I have not worked that out yet (it is a rather
> > > problem wherein concepts (especially types) are names after people).
> > > would love for a word like «pe» that would always work on
> (I
> > > might be tired- it could be obvious).
> >
> > If there is no solution already, I propose a single GOI modifier that
> > allows a GOI construct to attach to a selbri with essentially the same
> > meaning and operation as the GOI would without the modifier and
> > to a sumti. It would be an elegant solutions and would save cmavo
> There is already the proposed po'oi.

That is a clause attacher, which is similar. But, to my understanding,
that is more like «mi remna no'oi ke'a banli tcini» or "entropi po'oi la
.boltsman. fakfi'i ke'a», which works but is wordier and
conceptually/ideologically more troublesome than I want (even in this
relatively simple situation). I was thinking «entropi CVV'VV pe la

doi gleki, does the example illustrate my idea well enough to answer the
question about why I would prefer a cmavo? I think that it is more
versatile (it can accommodate the differences between «pe», «po»,
«po'e», «ne», and possibly other words more easily). A brivla might
work and might even deserve creation, but a cmavo seems more natural,
effective, and utile to me.

Comment #7: Re: Boltzman entropy should be named as ...?
Curtis W Franks (Fri Jan 2 19:39:15 2015)

krtisfranks wrote:
> durka42 wrote:
> > krtisfranks wrote:
> > > krtisfranks wrote:
> > > > gleki wrote:
> > > > > Since notes go to the output pdf file the readers would wonder
> > what's
> > > > the
> > > > > word for Boltzman enthropy.
> > > >
> > > > I do not know. I have not worked that out yet (it is a rather
> general
> > > > problem wherein concepts (especially types) are names after
> I
> > > > would love for a word like «pe» that would always work on
> selbri.
> > (I
> > > > might be tired- it could be obvious).
> > >
> > > If there is no solution already, I propose a single GOI modifier
> > > allows a GOI construct to attach to a selbri with essentially the
> > > meaning and operation as the GOI would without the modifier and
> attached
> > > to a sumti. It would be an elegant solutions and would save cmavo
> space
> >
> > There is already the proposed po'oi.
> That is a clause attacher, which is similar. But, to my understanding,
> that is more like «mi remna no'oi ke'a banli tcini» or "entropi po'oi
> .boltsman. fakfi'i ke'a», which works but is wordier and
> conceptually/ideologically more troublesome than I want (even in this
> relatively simple situation). I was thinking «entropi CVV'VV pe la
> .boltsman.»
> doi gleki, does the example illustrate my idea well enough to answer the
> question about why I would prefer a cmavo? I think that it is more
> versatile (it can accommodate the differences between «pe», «po»,
> «po'e», «ne», and possibly other words more easily). A brivla might
> work and might even deserve creation, but a cmavo seems more natural,
> effective, and utile to me.

I have gone ahead and made «foi'e» for this purpose. If you have any
suggestions or commentary/critique, feel free to bring them up. If you
dislike it, downvote it (but I do think that it is generally helpful to
have around as a functionality). If you have alternative solutions, feel
free to propose them. :)

Comment #8: Answer: “boltsman zei entropi”
Wuzzy (Sun Jan 4 17:42:52 2015)

gleki wrote:
> Since notes go to the output pdf file the readers would wonder what's
> word for Boltzman enthropy.

I have an idea!
Not a single word (but still a single lujvo), but the quick and easy
answer would be:

boltsman zei entropi

I *think* it was named after Ludwig Boltzmann, who was an Austrian, so I
lojbanized the German pronounciation.
Since I do not know what the Boltzman(n) entropy is or how it is defined,
I will leave the task of actually defining this lujvo in Lojban for those
who know better. :)

Comment #9: entropi1
gleki (Wed Oct 5 09:31:43 2016)

what does "amount" mean? number?

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