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Discussion of "ja'oi"

Comment #1: Terminator
Curtis W Franks (Fri Dec 26 03:40:15 2014)

Is it really worth throwing out a cmavo for a terminator specific to the
proposed selma'o JAhOI? Or should we bundle up this word into the same
selma'o as jo'i and make the terminator te'u. Ordered list vectors
have some of the same properties as vectors (which, in Lojban, really are
ordered lists) and as matrices, which ate composed of vectors in Lojban.
It would simplify the grammar somewhat. The possibly bad, but possibly
interesting, news is that one might be able to attempt to build a matrix
from cycles, which would result in a (co)vector-like object where each
component is a permutation (building by columns produces a
row/co-vector-like object, building by rows produces a (column)
vector-like object).

Comment #2: Re: Terminator
Curtis W Franks (Fri Dec 26 03:46:04 2014)

krtisfranks wrote:
> Is it really worth throwing out a cmavo for a terminator specific to the
> proposed selma'o JAhOI? Or should we bundle up this word into the same
> selma'o as jo'i and make the terminator te'u. Ordered list vectors
> have some of the same properties as vectors (which, in Lojban, really
> ordered lists) and as matrices, which ate composed of vectors in Lojban.
> It would simplify the grammar somewhat. The possibly bad, but possibly
> interesting, news is that one might be able to attempt to build a matrix
> from cycles, which would result in a (co)vector-like object where each
> component is a permutation (building by columns produces a
> row/co-vector-like object, building by rows produces a (column)
> vector-like object).

On the other hand, one could treat this as a "mapping/assignment writer
notation", which would be somewhat similar to lambda calculus in some
ways, and so might deserve its own selma'o and terminator.

Comment #3: Re: Terminator
Curtis W Franks (Fri Dec 26 08:26:26 2014)

krtisfranks wrote:
> Is it really worth throwing out a cmavo for a terminator specific to the
> proposed selma'o JAhOI? Or should we bundle up this word into the same
> selma'o as jo'i and make the terminator te'u. Ordered list vectors
> have some of the same properties as vectors (which, in Lojban, really
> ordered lists) and as matrices, which ate composed of vectors in Lojban.
> It would simplify the grammar somewhat. The possibly bad, but possibly
> interesting, news is that one might be able to attempt to build a matrix
> from cycles, which would result in a (co)vector-like object where each
> component is a permutation (building by columns produces a
> row/co-vector-like object, building by rows produces a (column)
> vector-like object).

Whatsoever decision is made will possibly affect every word presently that
is proposed to be in selma'o JAhOI, which currently includes (only (but
still...)) fau'au.

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