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Discussion of "su'ai"
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Comment #16: Re: Interaction with Modals and Connectives
Alex Burka (Mon Dec 29 04:47:51 2014)

durka42 wrote:
> > It won't change since there is no zi'o generator there. su'ai is
> one.
> Hmm so su'ai modifies the behavior of the following connective so that
> it no longer connects things but just attaches to the sumti before it.
> if su'ai has that power it can't be in SE, since the grammar will
> "su'ai jo" the same way as "se ju".

There's no winning when working with undocumented wiki syntax, is there.
See above quote for corrected version.

Comment #17: Re: Interaction with Modals and Connectives
gleki (Mon Dec 29 06:53:43 2014)

durka42 wrote:
> durka42 wrote:
> > > It won't change since there is no zi'o generator there. su'ai is
> > one.
> >
> > Hmm so su'ai modifies the behavior of the following connective so
> > it no longer connects things but just attaches to the sumti before it.
> But
> > if su'ai has that power it can't be in SE, since the grammar will
> treat
> > "su'ai jo" the same way as "se ju".
> There's no winning when working with undocumented wiki syntax, is there.
> See above quote for corrected version.

su'ai deletes x2 in selbri and moves its value into a unified x1 where
former x1 and x2 are connected using ce or jo'u depending on your

It works exactly the same with connectives: x2 is deleted.

SE changes selbri and that's what is needed here: a new selbri with a new
place structure appears.

If it can't be in SE then okay. Neither it put syntactically a zi'o into
x2 since zi'o can be reached with fe but in "su'ai broda" former x2 can
never be reached again.

So su'ai is rather similar to "zil-" but not zi'o.

Comment #18: Re: Interaction with Modals and Connectives
gleki (Mon Feb 16 16:42:35 2015)

gleki wrote:
> durka42 wrote:
> > > Hmm so su'ai modifies the behavior of the following connective so
> that
> > > it no longer connects things but just attaches to the sumti before
> > But
> > > if su'ai has that power it can't be in SE, since the grammar will
> > treat
> > > "su'ai jo" the same way as "se ju".
> >
> SE changes selbri and that's what is needed here: a new selbri with a
> place structure appears.
> If it can't be in SE then okay. Neither it put syntactically a zi'o into
> x2 since zi'o can be reached with fe but in "su'ai broda" former x2
> never be reached again.
> So su'ai is rather similar to "zil-" but not zi'o.

xorxes thinks that it's okay to be in SE since e.g. zo'e and zi'o are
both in SE. Not even a subselmaho since zi'o and zo'e are both in koha7.

Thus somewhere in subsubselmaho.

And of course in su'ai jo the word su'ai modifies jo.

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