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Discussion of "poiklo"
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Comment #4: Re: Offset?
Ilmen (Sun Dec 7 22:20:11 2014)

Wuzzy wrote:
> A string is an arbitrary sequence of characters (see lerpoi). The
> closest equivalent in Lojban for this are zoi-quotes, not lu-quotes.
> Your “lu” seems a bit contrived, since spacing in Lojban is a bit
> liberal. Thus, “lu mi ti do dunda li'u” is (and should be) treated
> identical to “lu mitido dunda li'u”. Unless you invent a rule to
> positions in “lu” strings, I suggest to avoid “lu” and
> quotes as sumti for poiklo.
> I think that poiklo is most useful with zoi-quotes.

I think lu-quotes are either lerpoi (phoneme sequences), or vlapoi (word
sequences). If they are lerpoi, there needs to be a default spacing,
probably either fully-spaced Lojban or spaceless Lojban, so that «lu mi
ti dunda do li'u» is considered as identical to «lumitidúndadoli'u».
If the default is spaceless Lojban, then no matter how many space do you
put in the lu-quote, the resulting lerpoi would contain spaceless Lojban.
If lu-quotes are vlapoi, there's no spacing issue though, because each
word is in a different slot in the sequence.

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