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Discussion of "ra'ei"

Comment #1: Concerns
Curtis W Franks (Tue Nov 4 23:33:44 2014)

I know that this word/idea is open to a lot of questions and flack. I do
generally think that it might be helpful, but I am not sure how it should
be implemented.

Comment #2: Re: Concerns
Alex Burka (Wed Nov 5 01:25:06 2014)

krtisfranks wrote:
> I know that this word/idea is open to a lot of questions and flack. I do
> generally think that it might be helpful, but I am not sure how it
> be implemented.

The definition is rather vague, and you didn't indicate a selma'o (which I
assume is what you meant by "how it should be implemented"). Can you give
some examples of usage?

Do you mean ra'ei would become a sumti/selbri/term/ra'ei (zo'o see what
I did there) based on context? Or is it intended to be a powerful version
of li'o, that magically fixes up the grammar to allow you to end a
statement at any point? If either of these are your intent... I'd have to
agree that it may be impossible in Lojban :)

(PS: I think JVS allowing the creation of cmavo without a selma'o is a
bug. The selma'o should be a field on the valsi, really, not the

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