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Discussion of "faurdu'e"
[parent] [root]
Comment #6: Re: What's wrong?
Wuzzy (Wed Nov 5 18:53:15 2014)

> I made this lujvo with the assumption that dukse = "x1 is/does too much
> (property) for x3 to happen". dukse is usually used this way on IRC.
Then IRC is wrong, because this definition differes from that one in the
dictionary. It would be better to create a new word for this “IRC
definition” instead of overloading the meaning of “dukse”.

> Then, faurdu'e was meant to be the jvajvo "fasnu+dukse" = x1 dukse lo
> fasnu ku x2 (= x1 happens too much for x2 to happen).
I can’t imagine how anything can happen “too much”. Either something
happens or it doesn’t.
I wonder how this word can be useful.

Most importantly, you still did not specify what can go into x2. Specify
this properly and you get my upvote.

I am aware of the example, I think I get a vague idea, but I am still not

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