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Discussion of "lingua"

Comment #1: If landa gets a gismu, why not this word?
Curtis W Franks (Tue Jun 24 19:38:05 2014)

First of all, I think that it would be good for a gismu to exist for
something like "x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic
x2 (example: language, country, currency) applied to specific
case/individual/group/thing x3 according to rule/ISO specification x4
according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO)". I would propose
jviso for this meaning.

Second, more on topic, if we think that landa deserves its own gismu,
then we might as well be somewhat consistent and make gismu for language
and currency (which are two other ISO code topics the results of which
Lojban zi'evla have made major use). For language, I would propose the
same definition (except maybe having a "according to rule/specification"
terbri) and the gismu linga. For currency, I would propose an analogous
definition and the gismu rucni. Both of these proposed gismu lack
similarity conflicts according to the gismu creation algorithm, which is
good. Finally, I would add the "according to rule/specification" terbri to

Comment #2: Re: If landa gets a gismu, why not this word?
gleki (Wed Jun 25 05:54:27 2014)

> Second, more on topic, if we think that landa deserves its own gismu,
> then we might as well be somewhat consistent and make gismu for language

landa, lingua and lengua are easily memorisiable. lingo is less
memorisable. That is the only reason i chose these words. I don't care
whether they are gismu or not. I care about learnability.

Actually I don't know what is the variable type of the first place of

I might be "la'e lu fy.ry. li'u" but then I'm not sure how poi
can restrict this lingua1 into the language only.

Currently, jbovlaste will accept data for 70 languages.
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