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Discussion of "dapma"
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Comment #1: What to do...
Jonathan (Fri May 29 16:19:27 2015)

Alternatively we could just create a new gismu that means the opposite. I'm
not sure dapma can lose all its negative connotations now; the negative
connotations have already been translated into so many languages, it is
even in the Lojban definition "the noi mabla" bit.

For the English definition to the counterpart I would write:
"x1 blesses/well-wishes x2 with/into fate x3"

Comment #2: Re: What to do...
Curtis W Franks (Fri May 29 16:37:43 2015)

spheniscine wrote:
> Alternatively we could just create a new gismu that means the opposite.
> not sure dapma can lose all its negative connotations now; the negative

> connotations have already been translated into so many languages, it is
> even in the Lojban definition "the noi mabla" bit.
> For the English definition to the counterpart I would write:
> "x1 blesses/well-wishes x2 with/into fate x3"

I do think that a neutral definition is good to have too. Something along
the lines of "x1 wills/dictates x2 into fate/outcome/(life-)path x3".

For the positive definition, "well-wishes" seems somewhat weak. Maybe
"endows/gifts"? That way, it still sounds positive, but it is guaranteed
(which, for a curse, it presumably is expected to be). I would also add
"/destiny" right after "fate", in order to connote positively.

But I agree. This definition is inherently negative in the English
interpretation and we need more words while specifying this usage more

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