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Discussion of "pi'u"

Comment #1: Terminology
Curtis W Franks (Thu Feb 4 00:15:35 2016)

We definitely should not use the terminology "cross-product" here, at least
not first. "Cartesian product" is unambiguous, whereas "cross-prpduct" at
best is. I actually have never even heard of the Cartesian product being
called a "cross-product" before (even when talking about tensors and
related constructions which have natural connections with the vector
cross-product), so in my experience there is no ambiguity- but, very much
so worse, there /is/ an overloading of terminology, or someone is just
lying or not knowing about what they are talking. I am willing concede that
I might be the one with limited knowledge and experience, but I still
believe that the order of presentation of the terms/keywords should be
reconsidered and we should also consider dropping or clarifying the term
"cross-product" in this context.

Comment #2: Re: Terminology
gleki (Thu Feb 4 14:38:25 2016)

krtisfranks wrote:
> We definitely should not use the terminology "cross-product" here, at
> not first. "Cartesian product" is unambiguous, whereas "cross-prpduct" at

> best is. I actually have never even heard of the Cartesian product being
> called a "cross-product" before (even when talking about tensors and
> related constructions which have natural connections with the vector
> cross-product), so in my experience there is no ambiguity- but, very much

> so worse, there /is/ an overloading of terminology, or someone is just
> lying or not knowing about what they are talking. I am willing concede
> I might be the one with limited knowledge and experience, but I still
> believe that the order of presentation of the terms/keywords should be
> reconsidered and we should also consider dropping or clarifying the term
> "cross-product" in this context.

e'u do jungau lo cmima be BPFK lo du'u sarcu falo nu cnegau lo smuvelcki be
zo pi'u iku'i lo nu tavla fo lo jbobau cu sarcu

Comment #3: Re: Terminology
Curtis W Franks (Fri Feb 5 05:10:24 2016)

gleki wrote:
> krtisfranks wrote:
> > We definitely should not use the terminology "cross-product" here, at
> least
> > not first. "Cartesian product" is unambiguous, whereas "cross-prpduct"
> > best is. I actually have never even heard of the Cartesian product
> > called a "cross-product" before (even when talking about tensors and
> > related constructions which have natural connections with the vector
> > cross-product), so in my experience there is no ambiguity- but, very
> > so worse, there /is/ an overloading of terminology, or someone is just
> > lying or not knowing about what they are talking. I am willing concede
> that
> > I might be the one with limited knowledge and experience, but I still
> > believe that the order of presentation of the terms/keywords should be
> > reconsidered and we should also consider dropping or clarifying the
> > "cross-product" in this context.
> e'u do jungau lo cmima be BPFK lo du'u sarcu falo nu cnegau lo smuvelcki
> zo pi'u iku'i lo nu tavla fo lo jbobau cu sarcu

.i ki'e mi ba zukti'i se gidva do

Comment #4: Re: Terminology
Ilmen (Fri Feb 5 19:44:50 2016)

krtisfranks wrote:
> gleki wrote:
> > e'u do jungau lo cmima be BPFK lo du'u sarcu falo nu cnegau lo
> be
> > zo pi'u iku'i lo nu tavla fo lo jbobau cu sarcu
> .i ki'e mi ba zukti'i se gidva do


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