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Discussion of "bo'ai"
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Comment #1: Interdependency Relations of the terbri of boxna
Curtis W Franks (Fri Jan 3 05:23:45 2014)

Note that, many times, the various arguments of boxna are mutually
dependent, even redundant or equivalent to some others in certain cases.
Temporal waves have a frequency that is essentially equivalent
to/trivially derived from the "wavelength", especially when given certain
properties of the medium or the type of wave itself. Another example:
spatial waves have a waveform that manifests in certain media in a manner
that is superficially identical (in appearance) to its mathematical form
in the given wave-space; the only difference is in the nature of that
medium and that mathematical wave-space. The cmavo related to this one
cover many possibilities that may be useful in various contexts- they are
not necessarily all mutually dissimilar and/or independent in every
context. This redundancy is purely for explicit usefulness and
context-versatility, not for mathematical primacy.

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The main code was last changed on Wed 07 Oct 2020 05:54:55 PM PDT.
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jbovlaste is an official project of the logical language group, and is now headed by Robin Lee Powell.
E-mail him if you have any questions.
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